

ArteriesCardiovascular System

Vertebral artery

Vertebral artery segments

Vertebral artery

The brain receives its arterial supply from two pairs of vessels, the vertebral and internal carotid arteries (Figure 1), which are interconnected in the cranial cavity to produce a cerebral arterial circle (of Willis). The vertebral artery, a component of the vertebrobasilar artery system, supplies 20% of the blood to the brain (primarily the posterior cranial fossa), with the remaining 80% being supplied by the carotid system. The vertebral artery supply blood to the brainstem, spinal cord, and to the vertebrae and their associated ligaments and muscles.

In the cranial cavity, the vertebral arteries unite to form a single basilar artery. This vessel passes along the ventral brainstem and gives rise to branches leading to the pons, midbrain, and cerebellum. The basilar artery ends by dividing into two posterior cerebral arteries that supply parts of the occipital and temporal lobes of the cerebrum. The posterior cerebral arteries also help form the cerebral arterial circle (circle of Willis) at the base of the brain, which connects the vertebral artery and internal carotid artery systems (Figure 1). The union of these systems provides alternate pathways for blood to circumvent blockages and reach brain tissues. It also equalizes blood pressure in the brain’s blood supply.

The vertebral artery usually originates from the posterior surface of the subclavian artery as the first branch of the subclavian artery, but it can also originate from the aortic arch and common carotid artery. Each vertebral artery arises from the first part of each subclavian artery in the lower part of the neck, and passes superiorly through the transverse foramina of the upper six cervical vertebrae (Figure 3 and 4). In approximately 88% of individuals, the artery enters the transverse foramen of C VI (cervical spine C6), but it has been shown to enter as far superior as the transverse foramen of C IV (cervical spine C4). Continuing to pass superiorly, the vertebral artery passes through the foramina of vertebrae C V (cervical spine C5) to C 1 (cervical spine C1 also known as the Atlas).

At the superior border of vertebra C I (cervical spine C1 or the Atlas), the artery turns medially and crosses the posterior arch of vertebra CI. From here it passes through the foramen magnum to enter the posterior cranial fossa.

On entering the cranial cavity through the foramen magnum each vertebral artery gives off a small meningeal branch. Continuing forward, the vertebral artery gives rise to three additional branches before joining with its companion vessel to form the basilar artery (Figure 1).

One branch joins with its companion from the other side to form the single anterior spinal artery, which then descends in the anterior median fissure of the spinal cord.

A second branch is the posterior spinal artery, which passes posteriorly around the medulla and then descends on the posterior surface of the spinal cord in the area of the attachment of the posterior roots, there are two posterior spinal arteries, one on each side (although the posterior spinal arteries can originate directly from the vertebral arteries, they more commonly branch from the posterior inferior cerebellar arteries).

Just before the two vertebral arteries join, each gives off a posterior inferior cerebellar artery.

The basilar artery travels in a rostral direction along the anterior aspect of the pons. Its branches in a caudal to rostral direction include the anterior inferior cerebellar arteries, several small pontine arteries, and the superior cerebellar arteries. The basilar artery ends as a bifurcation, giving rise to two posterior cerebral arteries.

Figure 1. Brain blood supply

brain blood supply

Figure 2. Vertebral artery origin

subclavian artery branches to the brain

Figure 3. Vertebral artery in the neck

Vertebral artery segments

Vertebral artery segments

The vertebral artery usually arises from the subclavian artery and is angiographically divided into five segments 1.

  • The first segment (V1) begins at the origin of the subclavian artery and extends to the point where the artery enters the transverse foramen of the sixth cervical vertebra.
  • The second segment (V2) begins from the level of the fifth or sixth cervical vertebra to the second cervical vertebra travelling through the transverse foramina at each vertebral level, with an alternating intra and inter-osseous course. On account of having such a unique anatomic environment, the V2 segment may be exposed to the extrinsic compression from spondylotic exostosis of the spine 2. This segment can be extremely tortuous, which can make the placement of a stent in the mid or distal extracranial vertebral artery difficult 3.
  • The third segment (V3) traverses the transverse foramen of C2 and terminates as the artery pierces the posterior atlanto-occipital membrane.
  • The fourth segment (V4) is demarcated by the atlanto-occipital membrane and where the artery finally enters the foramen magnum at the base of the skull.
  • The fifth segment (V5) traverses the foramen magnum and courses along the anterior lateral surface of the medulla oblongata, before it finally unites with the opposite vertebral artery at the inferior border of the pons to form the basilar artery. V5 commonly gives rise to the ipsilateral posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA).

The branches of the vertebral artery can be classified as cervical and cranial. The cervical vertebral artery produces spinal and muscular branches. The muscular branches typically originate from the second (V2) and third (V3) segments of the vertebral artery. These branches typically supply the dorsal cervical musculature and are best visualized in the presence of the common carotid artery or vertebral artery occlusion. Small branches from the second segment (V2) may anastomose with spinal arteries. Branches of the V3 segment typically anastomose with a branch of the occipital artery. The cranial branches of the vertebral artery are meningeal, posterior spinal, anterior spinal, posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) and medullary arteries. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) is the largest branch of the vertebral artery, coursing backward to the inferior surface of the cerebellum. It is divided into medial and lateral branches and may anastomose with the anterior cerebellar artery and superior cerebellar artery of the basilar artery.

Figure 4. Vertebral artery segments

Vertebral artery segments

Figure 5. Vertebral artery segments (angiogram)

Vertebral artery segments angiogram

Note: The right subclavian artery with visualization of the vertebral artery origin and the V1 and V2 segments. The right internal mammary artery (RIMA) can also be seen, as can the thyrocervical trunk with an ascending cervical branch.

[Source 1]

Figure 6. Vertebral artery intracranial segments (angiogram)

Vertebral artery segments - intracranial

Note: Intracranial run-off of an injection of the vertebral artery in a cross-table lateral projection using digital subtraction. This shows a solitary posterior inferior cerebellar artery; two superimposed anterior inferior cerebellar arteries; two superimposed superior cerebellar arteries; and a solitary posterior cerebral artery with obvious branching. The blush of the cerebellum is faintly visualized.

[Source 1]

Variants of the vertebral artery anatomy

Anatomic variants of vertebral artery are much more common than those of the carotid artery and most often involve the origin of vertebral artery from the aortic arch in V1 segment or the distal branches in V3 and V4 segments 2. The vertebral artery generally arises from the superior-posterior aspect of the first part of the subclavian artery. However, in approximately 5%-6% of cases, the left vertebral artery arises directly from the aortic arch between the left common carotid artery and the left subclavian artery 4. On rare occasions, the right vertebral artery may arise distal to the left subclavian artery or from the right common carotid artery (0.18%) 5. In 50% of individuals, the diameter of the left vertebral artery is larger than the right vertebral artery diameter 2. In 25% of individuals, the vertebral artery diameters are equal to each other. On the other hand, in approximately 10% of individuals one vertebral artery is prominently smaller in diameter than the other 2. In these kinds of cases, the smaller vertebral artery may terminate in the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) or have a hypoplastic segment between the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) and basilar artery that contributes little to basilar artery blood flow 2.

The posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) generally originates from the intradural segment of the vertebral artery, but may alternatively originate from the extracranial segment. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) may be absent unilaterally or bilaterally, in approximately 20% and 2% of individuals, respectively. In 1% of cases, the vertebral artery terminates in the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) 6.

In the literature, the incidence of normal entrance to the transverse foramina ranges from 90% to 93% 3. Additionally, it may enter into the transverse foramen at other levels than C6 7. The prevalence of vertebral artery entry at C4 level ranges from 0.5% to 1.3% and at C5 level ranges from 5% to 6.6%, which often makes the V1 segment longer 8. However, it may enter at the C7 level (0.8%-5.4%), which makes the V1 segment shorter.

Tortuosity of the vertebral artery from the origin to the transverse foramen is another variation. Matula et al. 9 reported 47.2% tortuosity of the V1 segment. It is important in endovascular procedures, because severe tortuosity of the proximal V1 segment combined with a stenosis can preclude safe stent placement. Moreover, it was also reported as an independent and significant predictor of in-stent restenosis owing to unnatural straightening of the tortuous segment 10.

These anatomic variations must be considered in clinical assessment and treatment.

Vertebral artery stenosis

Vertebral artery stenosis may occur either extra- or intra-cranially, but it is often localized at the origin of the vessel as it arises from the subclavian artery 11. In a large series which included 4748 patients with ischemic stroke, some degree of proximal extracranial vertebral artery stenosis was seen in 18% of cases on the right and 22.5% on the left 12. This is the second most common location of stenosis after internal carotid artery stenosis at the carotid bifurcation 13. About 25% of ischemic strokes occur in the vertebrobasilar territory 14. Around one fifth of posterior circulation strokes occur in the setting of extracranial vertebral artery stenosis 15, 16, 17, 18.

Extracranial vertebral artery stenosis

Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of extracranial vertebral artery stenosis 19. However, an atherosclerotic plaque situated at the vertebral artery origin is considered to be less prone to ulceration and smoother than that seen at the carotid system 20. The less common causes of extracranial vertebral artery stenosis are arterial dissection, extrinsic compression due to trauma, osteophytes, fibrous bands and vasculitis (most commonly in giant cell arteritis) 13.

The most common mechanism of stroke in patients with vertebral artery stenosis is intra-arterial embolism, rather than hemodynamic failure 21. Hemodynamic stroke, however, is less commonly caused by vertebral artery stenosis, because both vertebral arteries feed into one basilar artery 11. Also, in contrast to the internal carotid artery, the vertebral artery gives off numerous branches at the neck region, therefore facilitating a considerable collateral blood supply, which often reconstitutes the distal artery after occlusion at the origin 11.

Individuals with occlusive disease of proximal segments of the vertebral artery are at relatively high risk for posterior or vertebrobasilar circulation ischemia 21. Indeed, a systematic review suggested that patients with symptomatic vertebral artery stenosis may have a greater recurrent stroke risk in the first 7 d after symptoms onset than patients with recently symptomatic carotid stenosis 22. Nevertheless, the best medical therapy for these patients is unclear, and the precise role of invasive treatment remains uncertain 23.

The role of imaging in diagnosis of vertebral artery stenosis

The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association guideline recommends an evidence-based diagnostic approach for diagnosing vertebral artery disease 2. In this American Heart Association/American Stroke Association guideline, 11 studies about comparing noninvasive methods and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) for the detection of vertebral artery stenosis have been systematically reviewed. According to these studies, computed tomography angiography (CTA) and contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) were associated with higher sensitivity (94%) and specificity (95%) than Doppler ultrasonography (US) (sensitivity 70%) 2. Also, of these noninvasive imaging methods, computed tomography angiography (CTA) had slightly superior accuracy 2. Doppler US is relatively less suitable and technically difficult for detection of vertebral artery stenosis in related anatomic regions. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) as a noninvasive method is typically required before revascularization for patients with symptomatic posterior cerebral ischemia, because of the fact that neither contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) nor computed tomography angiography (CTA) reliably delineates the origins of the vertebral arteries 24. Thus the gold standard for diagnosing vertebral artery stenosis remains digital subtraction angiography (DSA), although it has a small morbidity and associated mortality. The complications of digital subtraction angiography (DSA) associated with morbidity and mortality can be divided into two major groups: clinical and technical. The former includes groin hematoma, contrast medium reaction, transient neurological event and permanent neurological deficit; the latter includes carotid and vertebral artery dissection and femoral or iliac artery dissection 25. Although the overall neurological complication rate related to cerebral angiography is 1.5% 26, recent reports using diffusion-weighted imaging suggest that there is a much higher rate of subclinical neurological events 27, 28, 29.

How is vertebral artery stenosis treated ?

Although optimum management of patients with vertebral artery stenosis is not well established in the literature, treatment options fundamentally include medical, surgical and endovascular therapies. For all patients with vertebral artery stenosis, optimal medical therapy should include risk factor modifications, antiplatelet and statin therapies 2. In patients with ongoing symptoms despite optimal medical treatment, endovascular and surgical options should be considered.

Medical therapy

Aspirin (81-325 mg daily), clopidogrel (75 mg daily) or the combination of aspirin and extended-release dipyridamole (25 and 200 mg twice daily, respectively) are acceptable options. Combination antiplatelet regimens (e.g., aspirin and clopidogrel) are emerging as the mainstay of medical therapy for patients with vertebrobasilar insufficiency. A combination of aspirin and dipyridamole was shown to significantly reduce the rate of stroke in patients with vertebrobasilar insufficiency compared to placebo 30. Selection of an antiplatelet regimen should be individualized on the basis of patient risk factor profiles, cost, tolerance, resistance and other clinical characteristics 31.


Surgery to this region of the vertebral artery is technically difficult due to poor access to the vessel origin, hence surgery is not considered in most centers. It may be the only viable treatment option in those patients who fail medical therapy but have lesions or anatomy that are unfavorable for angioplasty and/or stent therapy. In the study by Buerger et al. 32 that includes 369 consecutive extracranial vertebral artery reconstructions, stroke and death rates of the procedure were found to be low (5.1% in the 215 patients treated before 1991 and 1.9% in the 154 patients treated since 1991). The combined morbidity and mortality rates of surgical therapy for vertebral artery stenosis range from 10% to 20% and have dampened enthusiasm for this option 33, 34, 35. Horner’s syndrome and lymphocele are considerable postoperative complications of the surgery.

Prognosis (Outlook) of vertebral artery stenosis

In a review of 300 interventions for proximal vertebral artery stenosis, the risk of death was 0.3%, the risk of periprocedural neurological complications was 5.5%, and the risk of posterior system stroke was 0.7% at a mean follow-up of 14.2 mo. Restenosis occurred in 26% of cases (range: 0%-43%) after a mean of 12 mo (range: 3-25 mo), although restenosis was not consistently correlated with recurrent symptoms 36. In a Cochrane review of 313 cases of vertebral artery intervention, 173 cases which underwent a vertebral artery stenting procedure were identified from 20 studies 37. Analysis of these studies revealed a 30-d major stroke and death rate of 3.2% and a 30-d transient ischemic attack and non-disabling stroke rate of 3.2% 37. These analyses suggest that vertebral artery stenting is safe and effective.

In summary, although angioplasty and stenting of the vertebral vessels are technically feasible, there is insufficient evidence from randomized trials to demonstrate that endovascular management is superior to best medical management 19.

Vertebral artery dissection

The term dissection implies a tear in the wall of a major artery leading to the intrusion of blood within the layers of an arterial wall (intramural hematoma). An arterial wall consists of three layers-intima (the innermost layer), media (the middle muscular layer), and adventitia (the outermost layer). It is generally agreed that a tear in the wall of an artery leads to a collection of blood between the layers of the artery, leading to formation of an intramural hematoma. This causes stenosis of the lumen when blood collects between the intima and media or an aneurysmal dilatation of the artery when the hematoma predominantly involves the media and adventitia 38.

Figure 7. Vertebral artery dissection

Vertebral artery dissection

The overall incidence of vertebral artery dissection is approximately 1-1.5 per 100,000 39. Spontaneous dissections of the carotid and vertebral artery account for only about 2 percent of all ischemic strokes 40, but they are an important cause of ischemic stroke in patients under the age of 45 years and account for 10 to 25 percent of such cases.

Extracranial vertebral dissections account for about 15% of all cervicocerebral arterial dissections 38.

Spontaneous dissections of the vertebral arteries affect all age groups, including children, but there is a distinct peak in the fifth decade of life 41. Although there is no overall sex-based predilection, women are on average about five years younger than men at the time of the dissection 42.

Aetiopathogenesis of cervicocerebral arterial dissections is incompletely understood, though trauma, genetic factors, respiratory infections, and underlying arteriopathy are considered important. A typical picture of local pain, headache, and ipsilateral Horner’s syndrome followed after several hours by cerebral or retinal ischaemia is rare. A history of a minor precipitating event is frequently elicited in patients with a spontaneous dissection of the vertebral artery 43. Some precipitating events associated with hyperextension or rotation of the neck include practicing yoga, painting a ceiling, coughing, vomiting, sneezing, the receipt of anesthesia, and the act of resuscitation 44. Such neck movements, particularly when they are sudden, may injure the artery as a result of mechanical stretching.

Chiropractic manipulation of the neck has been associated with vertebral artery dissection 45. It has been estimated that as many as 1 in 20,000 spinal manipulations causes a stroke.

A recent history of a respiratory tract infection is a risk factor for spontaneous dissections of the vertebral artery 46. The possibility of an infectious trigger is supported by the finding of a seasonal variation in the incidence of spontaneous dissections of the vertebral arteries, with a peak incidence in the fall.

A potential link with common risk factors for vascular disease, such as tobacco use, hypertension, and the use of oral contraceptives, has not been systematically evaluated. One case-control study suggested migraine as a risk factor for dissection 47.

Patients with a spontaneous dissection of the vertebral artery are thought to have an underlying structural defect of the arterial wall, although the exact type of arteriopathy remains elusive in most cases 43. Foremost among the heritable connective tissue disorders that are associated with an increased risk of spontaneous dissections of the vertebral arteries is Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV 48. Others include Marfan’s syndrome, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, and osteogenesis imperfecta type I 49. Although these well-characterized heritable connective tissue disorders have been identified in only 1 to 5 percent of patients with spontaneous dissection of the vertebral artery, one-fifth of patients have a clinically apparent but as yet unnamed connective tissue disorder 50.

Spontaneous vertebral artery dissection is mainly divided into two types 51:

  1. Ischemic type, which is manifest by ischemic symptoms and/or infarction of the vertebrobasilar circulation due to arterial narrowing and thromboembolism; and
  2. Hemorrhagic type, which presents as a subarachnoid hemorrhage caused by rupture of an intradural vertebral artery dissecting aneurysm.

More than a quarter of patients with stroke caused by cervical artery dissection develop relevant disability, while almost half report a decreased quality of life 52. The socio-economic consequences are significant, because patients with cervical artery dissection are on average 45 years of age and play an important role in private, business and social life 53. Brain imaging studies and detection of micro-embolic signals by transcranial ultrasound in patients with cervical artery dissection suggest that arterial embolism is the main mechanism of stroke 54, 55.

Vertebral artery dissection symptoms

The cervical arteries are innervated with pain-sensitive nerve fibers that may generate neck pain and headache when provoked. Several studies have shown that pain is typically the first symptom associated with cervical artery dissection 56 and a recent descriptive study involving 245 cervical artery dissection patients reported that 8% of them presented with head or neck pain as their only symptom 57. In this study, pain-only cervical artery dissection patients were mostly composed of vertebral artery or multiple artery dissection cases, with only 3 cases of internal carotid artery dissection. Pain related to cervical artery dissection frequently occurs suddenly and is of severe intensity, often described by patients as being different from any previous pain. Accordingly, the clinical manifestations of cervical artery dissection typically include severe head and neck pain that involves mostly the ipsilateral occipitocervical area when the vertebral artery is affected 58 or the periorbital, frontal, and upper cervical region when the internal carotid artery is involved 59. These symptoms may or may not be followed by ischemic involvement in the brain, cerebellum, or brain stem. The interval of time between the initial pain of cervical artery dissection and ischemic symptoms is quite variable, however, with reports ranging from almost immediately to several weeks.

Prognosis of vertebral artery dissection

Extracranial vertebral artery dissections generally carry a good prognosis. Most dissections of the vertebral arteries heal spontaneously and especially, extracranial vertebral artery dissections generally carry a good prognosis. However, intracranial vertebral artery dissections are usually associated with severe neurological deficits or subarachnoid hemorrhage and carry a poor prognosis, so an urgent surgical intervention may be required in patients presenting with hemorrhage. A literature review reports 50% of cases having no neurological deficit, 21% mild deficits only, and 25% moderate to severe deficits, the remaining 4% having died 38. In a recent study looking at the relation between recanalization rate and neurological outcome, no relation was found between these two variables 60, the neurological outcome was dependent on the lesion localization and the presence of good collaterals.

Intracranial dissections are usually associated with severe neurological deficits or subarachnoid hemorrhage and carry a poor prognosis. The risk of a recurrent dissection in an initially unaffected artery is about 2 percent during the first month but then decreases to a rate of only about 1 percent per year 42. However, the increased risk persists for at least a decade and possibly longer 50. The risk of a recurrence is higher in young patients with a heritable arteriopathy 61. Only rarely do dissections recur in the same artery 42.

Doppler ultrasound, MRI/MRA, and CT angiography are useful non-invasive diagnostic tests.

How is vertebral artery dissection treated ?

Medical Treatment

The treatment of extracranial cervicocerebral arterial dissection is mainly medical using anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents although controlled studies to show their effectiveness are lacking. In a 2013 meta-analysis 62 comparing antiplatelets versus anticoagulants for the treatment of cervical artery dissection found antiplatelets should be given precedence over anticoagulants as a first line treatment in patients with cervical artery dissection unless results of an adequately powered randomised trial suggest the opposite. The prognosis of extracranial cervicocerebral arterial dissection is generally much better than that of the intracranial cervicocerebral arterial dissection. Recurrences are rare in cervicocerebral arterial dissection.

One approach is to obtain a magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA) after three months, continue anticoagulant therapy for three more months if luminal irregularities are found, and then repeat the magnetic resonance study and change to antiplatelet therapy if the luminal irregularities are still present. The rationale behind this approach is the high rate of recanalization within the first three months after the dissection and the observation that, after the discontinuation of anticoagulation, symptoms occasionally recur within three to six months after the onset of dissection but rarely after six months. The fear that anticoagulant therapy or intravenous thrombolysis with tissue-plasminogen activator will extend the dissection appears to be unfounded 43. Nevertheless, anticoagulation is not innocuous, and some patients are treated with antiplatelet therapy alone, particularly those who have no symptoms of ischemia.

Surgical Interventions

Most vertebral artery dissections heal spontaneously 43. However, an urgent surgical intervention may be required in patients presenting with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Symptomatic aneurysmal dilatation of the artery may also warrant surgery. Chronic vertebral artery dissections have also been treated by surgical reconstruction to prevent further ischemic or thromboembolic complications, if medical treatment with six month anticoagulation fails or if the dissecting aneurysms and/or high grade stenosis persist 38. Surgical interventions include endovascular treatment and the arterial repair.

Endovascular Therapy

Endovascular treatment has largely supplanted surgery as the initial therapy of choice once medical therapy fails or is contraindicated 63.

Endovascular occlusion of the parent artery

A saccular aneurysm will persist unless treated by surgical clipping or endovascular embolization. In contrast, reflecting the intrinsic mechanism of healing, a dissection can resolve spontaneously. The aims of treatment are, first, to reduce the “hemodynamic stress” on the vessel wall that could produce rebleeding and, second, to provide a suitable environment for healing. Both goals can be achieved by eliminating or reversing the flow within the dissection through sacrificing the parent artery close to or even far proximal to the dissection 64. If the dissection is not completely excluded from the antegrade arterial circulation following proximal occlusion, the potential for rebleeding still exists 65. Rebleeding can be anticipated when the dissection cavity increases in size after proximal occlusion 66. Rebleeding from a “caecum-like” dissection usually occurs within several hours after proximal occlusion, presumably as result of hemodynamic changes in its lumen.

Endovascular trapping

Because histopathology shows that the rupture point is in close proximity to the entrance into the dissection 67, an option in treatment is double catheterization and simultaneous embolization of the proximal and distal portions of the dissection 68. Endovascular trapping does not cross the dissected segment (which should be avoided). However, ischemia may occur in the territory of brainstem perforators arising from the healthy vessel distal to the dissected portion that will be occluded. Therefore, it is not likely that trapping is superior to occlusion of the proximal parent vessel 64. This is because the theoretical benefits (exclusion of the diseased vessel segment) are outweighed by the risk of occluding brain stem perforators in the occluded distal healthy vessel.

Intracranial stenting

Stent implantation has the advantage of preserving the patency of the parent vessel and remodeling blood flow. Nevertheless, there are unnecessary difficulties and hazards. These are that the stent has to be navigated through the dissection, inducing the risk of further dissecting the wall, that uncovered stents that do not fully exclude the dissection from the circulation may lead to early rebleeding, and that stent-assisted coiling of the dissection (as well as coiling of the dissection itself) might cause rupture of the dissection or lead to recanalization if the coil migrates through the dissected vessel wall, so not completely securing the situation 69. Finally, the use of stent grafts in the intracranial circulation is experimental, and likely to occlude perforators to the brain stem and even may induce a secondarily symptomatic excessive neointimal proliferation.


Surgical treatment should be considered for patients with persistent ischemic symptoms refractory to optimal medical care who are not candidates for endovascular treatment 70. Arterial ligation can be a very safe and simple treatment, assuming the presence of adequate collateral blood flow has been established. However, delayed ischemia because of propagation of thrombus or embolization is a potential threat in these patients in the early postoperative period. Trapping of the dissected segment of vertebral artery with or without extracranial-intracranial arterial bypass also can be a curative treatment option.

Rebleeding after surgical proximal occlusion has been reported 71, whereas trapping excludes the dissection from the circulation thus eliminating the risk of rebleeding which has not been reported after surgical trapping for vertebral artery dissections. However, the location of dissection makes the surgical approach technically demanding with a high risk of cranial nerve damage. Rigorous comparison between surgical and endovascular treatment is difficult, because most reports of surgical treatment include less than 10 patients and their features are not comparable.

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ArteriesCardiovascular System

Subclavian artery

subclavian artery branches

Subclavian artery

Three large arteries arise from the aortic arch to collectively supply the head, neck, shoulder, and upper limbs: the brachiocephalic trunk, the left common carotid artery, and the left subclavian artery.

The brachiocephalic trunk (brachiocephalic artery) gives rise to the right subclavian artery and the right common carotid artery.

Each subclavian artery arches over the respective lung, rising as high as the base of the neck slightly superior to the clavicle. It then passes posterior to the clavicle, downward over the first rib, and ends in name only at the first rib’s lateral margin. In the shoulder, it gives off several small branches to the thoracic wall and viscera.

As the  subclavian artery continues past the first rib, it is named the axillary artery. It continues through the axillary region, gives off small thoracic branches and ends, again in name only, at the neck of the humerus. Here, it gives off a pair of circumflex humeral arteries, which encircle the humerus, anastomose with each other laterally, and supply blood to the shoulder joint and deltoid muscle. Beyond this loop, the vessel is called the brachial artery.

The brachial artery continues down the medial and anterior sides of the humerus and ends just distal to the elbow, supplying the anterior flexor muscles of the brachium along the way. This artery is the most common site of blood pressure measurement with the sphygmomanometer. The deep brachial artery arises from the proximal end of the brachial and supplies the humerus and triceps brachii muscle.

About midway down the arm, the deep brachial artery continues as the radial collateral artery. The radial collateral artery descends in the lateral side of the arm and empties into the radial artery slightly distal to the elbow.

The superior ulnar collateral artery arises about midway along the brachial artery and descends in the medial side of the arm. It empties into the ulnar artery slightly distal to the elbow.

Just distal to the elbow, the brachial artery forks into the radial and ulnar arteries. The radial artery descends the forearm laterally, alongside the radius, nourishing the lateral forearm muscles. The most common place to take a pulse is at the radial artery just proximal to the thumb.

The ulnar artery descends medially through the forearm, alongside the ulna, nourishing the medial forearm muscles.

The interosseous arteries of the forearm lie between the radius and ulna. They begin with a short common interosseous artery branching from the upper end of the ulnar artery. The common interosseous quickly divides into anterior and posterior branches. The anterior interosseous artery travels down the anterior side of the interosseous membrane, nourishing the radius, ulna, and deep flexor muscles. It ends distally by passing through the interosseous membrane to join the posterior interosseous artery. The posterior interosseous artery descends along the posterior side of the interosseous membrane and nourishes mainly the superficial extensor muscles.

Two U-shaped palmar arches arise by anastomosis of the radial and ulnar arteries at the wrist. The deep palmar arch is fed mainly by the radial artery and the superficial palmar arch mainly by the ulnar artery. The arches issue arteries to the palmar region and fingers.

Figure 1. Origins of Left and Right subclavian arteries


Figure 2. Left Subclavian artery directly coming off the Aortic arch

brachiocephalic artery

Figure 3. Branches of subclavian artery to the shoulder and upper limb

subclavian artery branches

Branches of the Subclavian artery in the head and neck

All branches from the right and left subclavian arteries in the head and neck arise from the first part of the artery, except in the case of one branch (the costocervical trunk) on the right side (Figure 4). The 4 majors branches include:

  1. the Vertebral artery,
  2. the Thyrocervical trunk,
  3. the Internal thoracic artery, and
  4. the Costocervical trunk.

Figure 4. Branches of subclavian artery in the neck and head

subclavian artery branches in the neck and head

Vertebral Artery

The brain receives its arterial supply from two pairs of vessels, the vertebral and internal carotid arteries (Figure 5), which are interconnected in the cranial cavity to produce a cerebral arterial circle (of Willis). The cerebral arterial circle (of Willis) is formed at the base of the brain by the interconnecting vertebrobasilar and internal carotid systems of vessels (Figure 5). This anastomotic interconnection is accomplished by an anterior communicating artery connecting the left and right anterior cerebral arteries to each other, and two posterior communicating arteries, one on each side, connecting the internal carotid artery with the posterior cerebral artery.

Each vertebral artery arises as the first branch of each subclavian artery (Figure 5) in the lower part of the neck, and passes superiorly through the transverse foramina of the upper six cervical vertebrae. On entering the cranial cavity through the foramen magnum each vertebral artery gives off a small meningeal branch. Continuing forward, the vertebral artery gives rise to three additional branches before joining with its companion vessel to form the basilar artery (Figure 5).

One branch joins with its companion from the other side to form the single anterior spinal artery, which then descends in the anterior median fissure of the spinal cord.

A second branch is the posterior spinal artery, which passes posteriorly around the medulla and then descends on the posterior surface of the spinal cord in the area of the attachment of the posterior roots, there are two posterior spinal arteries, one on each side (although the posterior spinal arteries can originate directly from the vertebral arteries, they more commonly branch from the posterior inferior cerebellar arteries).

Just before the two vertebral arteries join, each gives off a posterior inferior cerebellar artery.

The basilar artery travels in a rostral direction along the anterior aspect of the pons. Its branches in a caudal to rostral direction include the anterior inferior cerebellar arteries, several small pontine arteries, and the superior cerebellar arteries. The basilar artery ends as a bifurcation, giving rise to two posterior cerebral arteries.

Figure 5. Branches of subclavian artery to the brain

subclavian artery branches to the brain

Figure 6. Brain blood supply

brain blood supply

Thyrocervical trunk

The second branch of the subclavian artery is the thyrocervical trunk (Figure 4). It arises from the first part of the subclavian artery medial to the anterior scalene muscle, and divides into three branches- the inferior thyroid, the transverse cervical. and the suprascapular arteries.

Inferior thyroid artery. The inferior thyroid artery is the superior continuation of the thyrocervical trunk. It ascends, anterior to the anterior scalene muscle, and eventually turns medially, crossing posterior to the carotid sheath and its contents and anterior to the vertebral artery. Reaching the posterior surface of the thyroid gland it supplies the thyroid gland. When the inferior thyroid artery turns medially, it gives off an important branch (the ascending cervical artery), which continues to ascend on the anterior surface of the prevertebral muscles, supplying these muscles and sending branches to the spinal cord.

Transverse cervical artery. The middle branch of the thyrocervical trunk is the transverse cervical artery. This branch passes laterally, across the anterior surface of the anterior scalene muscle and the phrenic nerve, and enters and crosses the base of the posterior triangle of the neck. It continues to the deep surface of the trapezius muscle, where it divides into superficial and deep branches :

  • The superficial branch continues on the deep surface of the trapezius muscle.
  • The deep branch continues on the deep surface of the rhomboid muscles near the medial border of the scapula.

Suprascapular artery. The lowest branch of the thyrocervical trunk is the suprascapular artery. This branch passes laterally, crossing anterior to the anterior scalene muscle, the phrenic nerve, the third part of the subclavian artery, and the trunks of the brachial plexus. At the superior border of the scapula, it crosses  over the superior transverse scapular ligament and enters the supraspinatus fossa.

Internal thoracic artery

The third branch of the subclavian artery is the internal thoracic artery (Figure 4). This artery branches from the inferior edge of the subclavian artery and descends. It passes posterior to the clavicle and the large veins in the region and anterior to the pleural cavity. It enters the thoracic cavity posterior to the ribs and anterior to the transversus thoracis muscle and continues to descend giving off numerous branches .

Costocervical trunk

The final branch of the subclavian artery in the root o f the neck is the costocervical trunk (Figure 4). It arises in a slightly different position, depending on the side:

  • On the left, it arises from the first part of the subclavian artery, just medial to the anterior scalene muscle.
  • On the right, it arises from the second part of the subclavian artery.

On both sides, the costocervical trunk ascends and passes posteriorly over the dome of the pleural cavity and continues in a posterior direction behind the anterior scalene muscle. Eventually it divides into two branches the deep cervical and the supreme intercostal arteries.

  • The deep cervical artery ascends in the back of the neck and anastomoses with the descending branch of the occipital artery.
  • The supreme intercostal artery descends anterior to first rib and divides to form the posterior intercostal arteries for the first two intercostal spaces.



Aberrant subclavian artery

Aberrant subclavian artery is a rare vascular anomaly that is present from birth 1. It usually causes no symptoms and is often discovered as an incidental finding (such as through a barium swallow or echocardiogram). Occasionally the anomaly causes swallowing difficulty (dysphagia) 2, 3. Swallowing symptoms in children may present as feeding difficulty and/or recurrent respiratory tract infection 3. When aberrant subclavian artery causes no symptoms, treatment is not needed. If the anomaly is causing significant symptoms, treatment may involve surgery 2, 3. Swallowing symptoms in children may present as feeding difficulty and/or recurrent respiratory tract infection 3. Children with symptomatic aberrant subclavian artery should be carefully evaluated for additional vascular and heart anomalies 3.

Aberrant right subclavian artery

Aberrant right subclavian artery or Lusoria artery is a relatively common congenital anomaly. It has a prevalence of up to 1.8% 4. About a third of people with this anatomic variant experience symptoms. Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) is experienced in 90% of such cases, whereas dyspnea (difficult or laboured breathing), is less common 5. Dysphagia secondary to extrinsic esophageal compression by an aberrant right subclavian artery is known as dysphagia lusoria 4. The term, Lusoria artery, dates back to the first description of the condition in 1794 by David Bayford, who called it “lusus naturae,” meaning “freak or jest of nature” 6.

Essentially, right subclavian artery originates from the brachiocephalic artery, but in 0.4-1.8% of the general population it may arise directly from the aortic arch distal to the left subclavian artery 4, 7, 8. Aberrant right subclavian artery on its way to the right arm crosses the midline posterior to esophagus.

The anomaly may be associated with some clinical manifestations such as dyspnea, stridor (a harsh vibrating noise when breathing), dysphagia (which is called dysphagia lusoria), chest pain or fever 9, 10, 11, but majority of cases with aberrant right subclavian artery are asymptomatic.

In the symptomatic cases, particularly in the cases with high-risk dilated aneurysm, the general census is advocating surgical treatment 7, 12, 13. In asymptomatic cases, the anomaly has low importance, and there is no need for further intervention.

Even if it is asymptomatic, this anomaly should be taken into consideration during surgical procedures around esophagus, such as esophagectomy. Any unintentional injury of this artery during surgical procedures could be extremely life threatening.

Figure 7. Aberrant right subclavian artery

aberrant right subclavian artery


(A) A barium esophagogram (lateral projection) showing an oblique indentation of the posterior esophageal wall (arrow) that suggests extrinsic compression of the esophagus by an aberrant right subclavian artery.

(B) Volume-rendered, 3-dimensional computed tomography scan (cranial view) of the aortic arch. The right subclavian artery arises as the last branch from the aortic arch distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery. Notice the aneurysmal origin of the aberrant right subclavian artery.

RCA = right common carotid artery, LCA = left common carotid artery, LSA = left subclavian artery, aRSA = aberrant right subclavian artery.

[Source 4]

Subclavian artery stenosis

Subclavian artery stenosis or occlusion has a low prevalence (1.9%) of the free-living population and is asymptomatic in most cases 14:618–623. Additionally, subclavian artery stenosis is correlated with current and past smoking histories, systolic blood pressure (hypertension), HDL levels (low HDL “good” cholesterol levels), and the presence of peripheral artery disease. These findings suggest that bilateral brachial blood pressure measurements should routinely be performed in patients with an elevated risk profile, both to screen for subclavian artery stenosis and to avoid missing a hypertension or peripheral artery disease diagnosis because of unilateral pressure measurement in an obstructed arm.

Patients with atherosclerotic occlusive plaques in the subclavian artery are usually asymptomatic. Intervention is warranted in the symptomatic patient 15, 16. Hemodynamically significant stenosis of the subclavian artery usually presents with symptoms of upper limb ischemia on the ipsilateral side as the lesion. It may also present as subclavian steal syndrome with symptoms of vertebro-basilar insufficiency as a result of retrograde flow in the ipsilateral vertebral artery 17. The most common cause of subclavian artery stenosis is atherosclerosis but other causes include congenital abnormalities such as arteria lusoria (aberrant subclavian artery) or right sided aortic arch that can cause compression of the right subclavian artery leading to congenital subclavian steal syndrome 18.

There are several methods of treating symptomatic occlusive lesions of the proximal subclavian artery. An endovascular approach is attempted before proceeding to open subclavian artery revascularization as it is a less invasive procedure 19. Surgical revascularization is attempted either via transposition of subclavian to carotid artery, carotid – subclavian bypass using a synthetic graft or by subclavian – axillary bypass if the carotid is not feasible 20.

Angioplasty and stenting are first line interventions for symptomatic subclavian occlusive disease. A retrospective study on the long-term outcome of this endovascular intervention concluded that there was high primary success with satisfactory outcomes beyond 10 years 21. Angioplasty can however, can cause intraluminal hyperplasia and the re-stenosis rates are higher than for extrathoracic surgical revascularisation 22. Extrathoracic surgical revascularisation becomes necessary when endoluminal measures fail, or when anatomical variations make it more technically difficult.

The study conducted by Stone et al. 23 compared endovascular treatment and open surgery in subclavian occlusive disease. The study concluded that endoluminal therapy for subclavian disease is effective and safe; however, open surgery still carries a better long-term durability and should be the preferred approach in low-risk patients. Symptomatic patients who failed endovascular treatment or subsequent loss of patency by stent occlusion should be considered for surgical revascularization.

The carotid subclavian bypass is a safe and commonly used surgical procedure when endovascular intervention has failed 24. A retrospective study analysing outcomes of common carotid-subclavian artery bypass versus transposition of subclavian artery on the common carotid artery concluded that the latter should be considered the first line surgical management of proximal subclavian artery lesions. The study showed the six-year patency rate was one hundred percent for transposition of subclavian artery on the common carotid artery and sixty-six percent for carotid subclavian bypass 25.

Transposition of the subclavian artery onto the carotid artery is suitable if there is proximal stenosis of the subclavian artery, allowing for mobilisation of the subclavian artery distal to the stenosis. In the management of proximal subclavian artery stenosis it is safe and re-occlusion rates are low 26. Re-occlusion rates are lower than those for carotid-subclavian artery bypass using a graft 27:1275–1282. This technique has been used to treat subclavian steal due to a congenital aberrant right subclavian artery 28. Another common reason for doing this operation is in preparation for stenting of thoracic aortic aneurysms, to reduce the risk of cerebral ischemia 29.

Carotid-subclavian artery bypass using a prosthetic graft is considered as a safe surgical intervention with mortality rates of 0–3% and stroke risk of 0–5% 30. These rates are comparable with those for transposition of the subclavian artery onto the carotid artery 31. A wide range of grafts may be used, including Dacron, autologous vein and PTFE. Takach et al. 32 have demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of carotid-subclavian bypass in their analysis of 287 patients treated for subclavian artery stenosis in this way. Carotid-subclavian bypass has also been used in repair of aberrant right subclavian artery aneurysm following endoluminal aortic stent graft exclusion 33.

Carotid-axillary bypass is less widely used than the other techniques. It has the advantage of avoiding the area of stenosis in cases where the subclavian artery has extensive disease and damage from previous angioplasty and stenting. It can be performed even with more distal disease in the subclavian artery 34.

It is important to consider the options available when considering surgical management of subclavian artery stenosis. In addition to atherosclerosis and damage from previous endovascular treatments, anatomical variations such arteria lusoria may complicate surgical decisions.

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  26. Duran M., Grotemeyer D., Danch M.A., Grabitz K., Schelzig H., Sagban T.A. Subclavian carotid transposition: immediate and long-term outcomes of 126 surgical reconstructions. Ann. Vasc. Surg. 2015;29(3):397–403.
  27. Madenci A.L., Ozaki C.K., Belkin M., McPhee J.T. Carotid-subclavian bypass and subclavian-carotid transposition in the thoracic endovascular aortic repair era. J. Vasc. Surg. 2013;57(May (5
  28. De Vleeschauwer P., Horsch S. Subclavian steal syndrome in a congenitaly anomalous subclavian artery: a case report. Ann. Vasc. Surg. 1986;1(3):389–391.
  29. Xydas S., Wei B., Takayama H., Russo M., Bacchetta M., Smith C.R., Stewart A. Use of carotid-subclavian arterial bypass and thoracic endovascular aortic repair to minimize cerebral ischemia in total aortic arch reconstruction. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 2010;139(3):717–722.
  30. Law M.M., Colburn M.D., Moore W.S., Quinones-Baldrich W.J., Machleder H.I., Gelabert H.A. Carotid-subclavian bypass for brachiocephalic occlusive disease. Stroke. 1995;26:1565–1571.
  31. Madenci A.L., Ozaki C.K., Belkin M., McPhee J.T. Carotid-subclavian bypass and subclavian-carotid transposition in the thoracic endovascular aortic repair era. J. Vasc. Surg. 2013;57(5):1275–1282.
  32. Takach T.J., Duncan J.M., Livesay J.J., Ott D.A., Cervera R.D., Cooley D.A. Contemporary relevancy of carotid-subclavian bypass defined by an experience spanning five decades. Ann. Vasc. Surg. 2011;25(7):895–901.
  33. Daniels L., Coveliers H.M., Hoksbergen A.W., Nederhoed J.H., Wisselink W. Hybrid treatment of aberrant right subclavian artery and its aneurysms. Acta. Chir. Belg. 2010;110(3):346–349.
  34. Salman R, Hornsby J, Wright LJ, et al. Treatment of subclavian artery stenosis: A case series. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports. 2016;19:69-74. doi:10.1016/j.ijscr.2015.12.011.
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ArteriesCardiovascular System

Renal artery

renal artery

Renal artery

Twenty to twenty-five percent of the total cardiac output, or about 1200 mL of blood, flows through the kidneys each minute. Each kidney receives blood from a renal artery. Every day, the two kidneys filter about 120 to 150 quarts (115 to 142 liters) of blood to produce about 1 to 2 quarts (950 mL to 1.9 liter) of urine, composed of wastes and extra fluid.

Right and left renal arteries usually arise from lateral aspects of abdominal aorta at superior border of second lumbar (L2) vertebra, about 1 cm inferior to superior mesenteric artery (see Figure 1 and 2). Right renal artery, which is longer than left, arises slightly lower than left and passes posterior to right renal vein and inferior vena cava. Left renal artery is posterior to left renal vein and is crossed by inferior mesenteric vein.

As each renal artery approaches the renal hilum, it divides into segmental arteries, which supply the renal parenchyma. However, there are often accessory renal arteries called extrahilar arteries. The extrahilar arteries are common. They originate from the lateral aspect of the abdominal aorta, either above or below the primary renal arteries, enter the hilum with the primary arteries or pass directly into the kidney at some other level. Regardless of its origin, each renal artery divides as it approaches the kidney and all the branches usually traverse the hilum. A polar artery may occasionally be found entering the medial border of the kidney above or below the hilum. Stenosis of a renal artery can lead to systemic arterial hypertension.

Branches of the renal artery (a small inferior suprarenal artery) also supply blood to each adrenal gland.

Each kidney is supplied by a renal artery arising from the aorta. Just before or after entering the hilum, the renal artery divides into a few segmental arteries, and each of these gives rise to a few interlobar arteries (see Figure 3). An interlobar artery penetrates each renal column and travels between the pyramids toward the corticomedullary junction, the boundary between the cortex and medulla (see Figure 3). Along the way, it branches again to form arcuate arteries, which make a sharp 90° bend and travel along the base of the pyramid. Each arcuate artery gives rise to several cortical radiate arteries, which pass upward into the cortex. As a cortical radiate artery ascends through the cortex, a series of afferent arterioles arise from it at nearly right angles like the limbs of a pine tree. Each afferent  arteriole supplies one nephron. It leads to a spheroidal mass of capillaries called a glomerulus, enclosed in a nephron structure called the glomerular capsule. The glomerulus is drained by an efferent arteriole. The efferent arteriole usually leads to a plexus of peritubular capillaries, named for the fact that they form a network around the tubules of the nephron. These capillaries pick up the water and solutes reabsorbed by the tubules.

Figure 1. Renal artery location

renal artery location

Figure 2. Renal artery

renal artery

Urine production

Kidneys regulate blood volume and composition; help regulate blood pressure, pH, and glucose levels; produce two hormones (calcitriol and erythropoietin); and excrete wastes in urine. As the kidneys selectively excrete waste products and excess materials in the urine, they maintain the composition of the internal environment, thereby contributing to homeostasis.

The kidney converts blood plasma to urine in four stages (Figure 4):

  1. Glomerular filtration is the passage of fluid from the bloodstream into the nephron, carrying not only wastes but also chemicals useful to the body. The fluid filtered from the blood is called glomerular filtrate. In contrast to the blood, it is free of cells and very low in protein. After it passes into the renal tubule, its composition is quickly modified by the following processes, and we call it tubular fluid.
  2. Tubular reabsorption, in which useful substances such as glucose are reabsorbed from the tubular fluid and returned to the blood.
  3. Tubular secretion, in which tubule cells extract blood borne substances such as hydrogen ions and some drugs from the peritubular capillaries and add them to the tubular fluid, to be eliminated in the urine.
  4. Water conservation, achieved by reabsorbing variable amounts of water from the fluid so the body can eliminate metabolic wastes without losing excess water. If water reabsorption did not occur, a typical adult hypothetically would produce 180 liters of urine per day—although in reality, this would be an impossible feat considering that we have only about 5 liters of blood and about 40 liters of total body water. Usually, the kidneys excrete urine that is hypertonic to the blood plasma—that is, it has a higher ratio of waste solutes to water than the plasma does. Water reabsorption occurs in all parts of the renal tubule, but is the final change occurring in the urine as it passes through the collecting duct. The fluid is regarded as urine once it has entered this duct.

Figure 3. Renal artery and its interlobar arteries in the kidney

renal artery supplying the kidney

Figure 4. Urine production in the kidney

urine production

Renal artery stenosis

Renal artery stenosis is the narrowing of one or both renal arteries 1. “Renal” means “kidney” and “stenosis” means “narrowing.” The renal arteries are blood vessels that carry blood to the kidneys from the aorta—the main blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to arteries throughout the body.

Renovascular hypertension is high blood pressure caused by renal artery stenosis 1. Blood pressure is written with two numbers separated by a slash, 120/80, and is said as “120 over 80.” The top number is called the systolic pressure and represents the pressure as the heart beats and pushes blood through the blood vessels. The bottom number is called the diastolic pressure and represents the pressure as blood vessels relax between heartbeats. A person’s blood pressure is considered normal if it stays at or below 120/80. High blood pressure is a systolic pressure of 140 or above or a diastolic pressure of 90 or above 2.

Figure 5. Renal artery stenosis (CT angiogram)


What causes renal artery stenosis ?

About 90 percent of renal artery stenosis is caused by atherosclerosis—clogging, narrowing, and hardening of the renal arteries 3. In these cases, renal artery stenosis develops when plaque—a sticky substance made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other material found in the blood—builds up on the inner wall of one or both renal arteries. Plaque buildup is what makes the artery wall hard and narrow.

Most other cases of renal artery stenosis are caused by fibromuscular dysplasia—the abnormal development or growth of cells on the renal artery walls—which can cause blood vessels to narrow 1. Rarely, renal artery stenosis is caused by other conditions.

Who is at risk for renal artery stenosis ?

People at risk for artherosclerosis are also at risk for renal artery stenosis. Risk factors for renal artery stenosis caused by artherosclerosis include:

  • high blood cholesterol levels
  • high blood pressure
  • smoking
  • insulin resistance
  • diabetes
  • being overweight or obese
  • lack of physical activity
  • a diet high in fat, cholesterol, sodium, and sugar
  • being a man older than 45 or a woman older than 55
  • a family history of early heart disease

The risk factors for renal artery stenosis caused by fibromuscular dysplasia are unknown, but fibromuscular dysplasia is most common in women and people 25 to 50 years of age 4. Fibromuscular dysplasia can affect more than one person in a family, indicating that it may be caused by an inherited gene.

What are the symptoms of renal artery stenosis ?

  • In many cases, renal artery stenosis has no symptoms until it becomes severe.

The signs of renal artery stenosis are usually either high blood pressure or decreased kidney function, or both, but renal artery stenosis is often overlooked as a cause of high blood pressure.

Renal artery stenosis should be considered as a cause of high blood pressure in people who:

  • are older than age 50 when they develop high blood pressure or have a marked increase in blood pressure
  • have no family history of high blood pressure
  • cannot be successfully treated with at least three or more different types of blood pressure medications.

Symptoms of a significant decrease in kidney function include:

  • increase or decrease in urination
  • edema—swelling, usually in the legs, feet, or ankles and less often in the hands or face
  • drowsiness or tiredness
  • generalized itching or numbness
  • dry skin
  • headaches
  • weight loss
  • appetite loss
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • sleep problems
  • trouble concentrating
  • darkened skin
  • muscle cramps

What are the possible complications of renal artery stenosis ?

People with renal artery stenosis are at increased risk for complications resulting from loss of kidney function or atherosclerosis occurring in other blood vessels, such as:

  • chronic kidney disease (CKD)—reduced kidney function over a period of time
  • coronary artery disease—narrowing and hardening of arteries that supply blood to the heart
  • stroke—brain damage caused by lack of blood flow to the brain
  • peripheral vascular disease—blockage of blood vessels that restricts flow of blood from the heart to other parts of the body, particularly the legs

Renal artery stenosis can lead to kidney failure, described as end-stage renal disease when treated with blood-filtering treatments called dialysis or a kidney transplant, though this is uncommon in people who receive ongoing treatment for renal artery stenosis.

How is renal artery stenosis diagnosed ?

A health care provider can diagnose renal artery stenosis by listening to the abdomen with a stethoscope and performing imaging tests. When blood flows through a narrow artery, it sometimes makes a whooshing sound, called a bruit. The health care provider may place a stethoscope on the front or the side of the abdomen to listen for this sound. The absence of this sound, however, does not exclude the possibility of renal artery stenosis.

In some cases, renal artery stenosis is found when a person has a test for another reason. For example, a health care provider may find renal artery stenosis during a coronary angiogram for diagnosis of heart problems. A coronary angiogram is a procedure that uses a special dye, called contrast medium, and x-rays to see how blood flows through the heart.

The following imaging tests are used to diagnose renal artery stenosis:

Duplex ultrasound

Duplex ultrasound combines traditional ultrasound with Doppler ultrasonography. Traditional ultrasound uses a device, called a transducer, that bounces safe, painless sound waves off organs to create an image of their structure. Doppler ultrasonography records sound waves reflected off of moving objects, such as blood, to measure their speed and other aspects of how they flow. The procedure is performed in a health care provider’s office, outpatient center, or hospital by a specially trained technician, and the images are interpreted by a radiologist—a doctor who specializes in medical imaging. Anesthesia is not needed. The images can show blockage in the renal artery or blood moving through nearby arteries at a lower-than-normal speed. Ultrasound is noninvasive and low cost.

Catheter angiogram

A catheter angiogram, also called a traditional angiogram, is a special kind of x-ray in which a thin, flexible tube called a catheter is threaded through the large arteries, often from the groin, to the artery of interest—in this case, the renal artery. The procedure is performed in a hospital or outpatient center by a radiologist. Anesthesia is not needed though a sedative may be given to lessen anxiety during the procedure. Contrast medium is injected through the catheter so the renal artery shows up more clearly on the x-ray. Catheter angiogram is the “gold standard” for diagnosing renal artery stenosis due to the high quality of the image produced. In addition, severe renal artery stenosis can be treated during the same visit. However, a catheter angiogram is an invasive procedure, and a person may have side effects from the sedative or contrast medium or may have bleeding or injury to the artery from the catheter. The procedure is also more expensive than other imaging tests.

Computerized tomographic angiography (CTA) scan

Computerized tomographic angiography scans use a combination of x-rays and computer technology to create images. The procedure is performed in an outpatient center or hospital by an x-ray technician, and the images are interpreted by a radiologist. Anesthesia is not needed. Contrast medium is injected into a vein in the person’s arm to better see the structure of the arteries. Computerized tomographic angiography scans require the person to lie on a table that slides into a tunnel-shaped device where the x-rays are taken. Computerized tomographic angiography scans are less invasive than catheter angiograms and take less time. However, the risks from the x-ray radiation still exist, and the test often requires more contrast medium than a catheter angiogram, so it may not be recommended for a person with poor kidney function.

Magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA)

Magnetic resonance angiogram uses radio waves and magnets to produce detailed pictures of the body’s internal organs and soft tissues without using x-rays. The procedure is performed in an outpatient center or hospital by an x-ray technician, and the images are interpreted by a radiologist. Anesthesia is not needed though light sedation may be used for people with a fear of confined spaces. Contrast medium may be injected into a vein in the person’s arm to better see the structure of the arteries. With most magnetic resonance angiogram scans, the person lies on a table that slides into a tunnel-shaped device that may be open ended or closed at one end; some newer machines are designed to allow the person to lie in a more open space. In addition to providing high-quality images noninvasively, magnetic resonance angiogram can provide a functional assessment of blood flow and organ function. However, the use of contrast medium for an magnetic resonance angiogram is not advised for people with poor kidney function because of the risk of complications to the skin and other organs if the kidneys do not remove the contrast medium well enough.

How is renal artery stenosis treated ?

Treatment for renal artery stenosis includes lifestyle changes, medications, and surgery and aims to:

  • prevent renal artery stenosis from getting worse
  • treat renovascular hypertension
  • relieve the blockage of the renal arteries

Renal artery stenosis that has not led to renovascular hypertension or caused a significant blockage of the artery may not need treatment. Renal artery stenosis that needs to be treated, also called critical renal artery stenosis, is defined by the American Heart Association as a reduction by more than 60 percent in the diameter of the renal artery 2. However, health care providers are not exactly sure what degree of blockage will cause significant problems.

Lifestyle Changes

The first step in treating renal artery stenosis is making lifestyle changes that promote healthy blood vessels throughout the body, including the renal arteries. The best ways to keep plaque from building up in the arteries are to exercise, maintain a healthy body weight, and choose healthy foods. People who smoke should quit to help protect their kidneys and other internal organs.


People with renovascular hypertension may need to take medications that—when taken as prescribed by their health care provider—lower blood pressure and can also significantly slow the progression of kidney disease. Two types of blood pressure-lowering medications, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), have proven effective in slowing the progression of kidney disease. Many people require two or more medications to control their blood pressure. In addition to an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor or an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB), a diuretic—a medication that helps the kidneys remove fluid from the blood—may be prescribed. Beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, and other blood pressure medications may also be needed. Some people with renal artery stenosis cannot take an ACE inhibitor or ARB due to the effects on the kidneys. People with renovascular hypertension who are prescribed an ACE inhibitor or ARB should have their kidney function checked within a few weeks of starting the medication.

A cholesterol-lowering medication to prevent plaque from building up in the arteries and a blood-thinner, such as aspirin, to help the blood flow more easily through the arteries may also be prescribed.


Although surgery has been used in the past for treatment of renal artery stenosis due to atherosclerosis, recent studies have not shown improved outcomes with surgery compared with medication. However, surgery may be recommended for people with renal artery stenosis caused by fibromuscular dysplasia or renal artery stenosis that does not improve with medication. Different types of surgery for renal artery stenosis include the following. The procedures are performed in a hospital by a vascular surgeon—a doctor who specializes in repairing blood vessels. Anesthesia is needed.

Angioplasty and stenting. Angioplasty is a procedure in which a catheter is put into the renal artery, usually through the groin, just as in a catheter angiogram. In addition, for angioplasty, a tiny balloon at the end of the catheter can be inflated to flatten the plaque against the artery wall. A small mesh tube, called a stent, may then be positioned inside the artery to keep plaque flattened and the artery open. People with renal artery stenosis caused by fibromuscular dysplasia may be successfully treated with angioplasty alone, while angioplasty with stenting has a better outcome for people with renal artery stenosis caused by atherosclerosis.

Endarterectomy or bypass surgery. In an endarterectomy, the plaque is cleaned out of the artery, leaving the inside lining smooth and clear. To create a bypass, a vein or synthetic tube is used to connect the kidney to the aorta. This new path serves as an alternate route for blood to flow around the blocked artery into the kidney. These procedures are not performed as often as in the past due to a high risk of complications during and after the procedure.

Eating, Diet, and Nutrition

Limiting intake of fats, cholesterol, sodium, and sugar can help prevent atherosclerosis, which can lead to renal artery stenosis. Most sodium in the diet comes from salt. A healthy diet that prevents people from becoming overweight or obese can also help prevent atherosclerosis. People with renal artery stenosis that has caused decreased kidney function should limit their intake of protein, cholesterol, sodium, and potassium to slow the progression of kidney failure.

Renal artery aneurysm

Renal artery aneurysms are uncommon 5. They are often identified incidentally during abdominal computed tomography (CT) screening for other diseases 6. Renal artery aneurysm may be associated with hypertension and are usually asymptomatic at presentation but may result in rupture, hematuria, or renal infarction 5. The natural history of renal artery aneurysms is poorly understood.

Figure 6. Renal artery aneurysm (3D Computerized tomographic angiogram)


Treatment options for renal artery aneurysms include observation, aneurysmectomy with surgical repair, endovascular procedures, nephrectomy or partial nephrectomy. Observation is indicated for asymptomatic intraparenchymal renal artery aneurysms measuring less than 2 cm in diameter. Although there is general consensus that renal artery aneurysm that are symptomatic (renovascular hypertension, dissection, urologic symptoms, embolization, local expansion) or identified in women at risk for pregnancy should be repaired, diameter criteria for repair of asymptomatic renal artery aneurysm are controversial and emerging evidence suggests that rupture incidence is low for those <2.5 cm in diameter.

Options for repair of renal artery aneurysm have expanded over the preceding decades with expansion of both open surgical and endovascular treatments. In recent years, coil embolization or stent-graft with the coil embolization was successful for treating renal artery aneurysms, but complex aneurysms may require aneurysmectomy and renal artery reconstruction by in-situ repair or ex-vivo technique.

In recent years, transcatheter arterial embolization has emerged as a simple, useful and effective technique in managing renal artery aneurysms. The procedure is performed by transfemoral catheterization as well as by superselective catheterization and embolization of interlobar arteries with 3F microcatheters. Endovascular occlusion is obtained by using gelatin sponge, steel coils, detachable baloons, and conventional non-detachable microcoils delivered through a microcatheter. Nephrectomy or partial nephrectomy are reserved for conditions precluding renal revascularization which include overt renal artery aneurysm rupture, covert renal artery aneurysm rupture, artery-to-vein fistula, renal cell carcinoma, end stage nephropaty, renal infarction, severe ischemic renal atrophy or complex intrarenal aneurysms. Recently, partial nephrectomy by the laparoscopic approach has been proposed for managing renal artery aneurysms and the procedure is considered feasible and safe.

  1. Renal Artery Stenosis. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
  2. James PA, Oparil S, Carter BL, et al. 2014 evidence-based guideline for the management of high blood pressure in adults—report from the panel members appointed to the Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8). The Journal of the American Medical Association. Published online December 18, 2013.
  3. Plouin PF, Bax L. Diagnosis and treatment of renal artery stenosis. Nature Reviews Nephrology. 2010;6:151–159.
  4. Fibromuscular Dysplasia. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
  5. Peterson LA, Corriere MA. Treatment of renal artery aneurysms. J Cardiovasc Surg 2015 August;56(4):559-65.
  6. Jibiki M, Inoue Y, Kudo T, Toyofuku T. Surgical Procedures for Renal Artery Aneurysms. Annals of Vascular Diseases. 2012;5(2):157-160. doi:10.3400/avd.oa.11.00055.
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ArteriesCardiovascular System

Radial artery

radial artery location

Radial artery

The radial artery originates from the brachial artery at approximately the neck of the radius and passes along the lateral aspect of the forearm (Figure 1 and 2).

The radial artery is just deep to the brachioradialis muscle in the proximal half of the forearm, related on its lateral side to the superficial branch of the radial nerve in the middle third of the forearm, and medial to the tendon of the brachioradialis muscle and covered only by deep fascia, superficial fascia, and skin in the distal forearm.

Branches of the radial artery originating in the forearm include a radial recurrent artery, which contributes to an anastomotic network around the elbow joint and to numerous vessels that supply muscles on the lateral side of the forearm; a small palmar carpal branch, which contributes to an anastomotic network of  vessels that supply the carpal bones and joints. A somewhat larger branch, the superficial palmar branch, which enters the hand by passing through, or superficial to, the thenar muscles at the base of the thumb and anastomoses with the superficial palmar arch formed by the ulnar artery.

In the distal forearm, the radial artery lies immediately lateral to the large tendon of the flexor carpi radialis muscle and directly anterior to the pronator quadratus muscle and the distal end of the radius (Figure 1). In the distal forearm, the radial artery can be located using the flexor carpi radialis muscle as a landmark. The radial pulse can be felt by gently palpating the radial artery against the underlying muscle and bone.

The radial artery leaves the forearm, passes around the lateral side of the wrist, and penetrates the posterolateral aspect of the hand between the bases of metacarpals I and II (Figure 2). Branches of the radial artery in the hand often provide the major blood supply to the thumb and lateral side of the index finger.

Radial pulse in the distal end of radius at the wrist, where the radial artery is covered only by fascia and skin, this is the most common site for taking a radial pulse (Figure 3 and 4).

Figure 1. Radial artery

radial artery anatomy

Figure 2. Radial artery at the elbow

radial artery

Figure 3. Radial artery at the wrist

radial artery

Figure 4. How to take a radial pulse

taking a radial pulse

Finding your pulse

The easiest places to find your pulse are:

Your wrist

  • Put one of your hands out so you’re looking at your palm.
  • Use the first finger (your index finger) and middle finger of your other hand and place the pads of these fingers on the inside of your wrist, at the base of your thumb.
  • Press lightly and feel the pulse. If you can’t feel anything press slightly harder or move your fingers around until you feel your pulse.

How to check your pulse

Once you’ve found your pulse, continue to feel it for about 20-30 seconds. Feel your pulse and check if it’s regular or irregular. You can work out your heart rate in beats per minute (bpm) by:

  • counting the number of beats in your pulse after 60 seconds, or
  • counting the beats for 30 seconds and multiplying by two.

If your pulse feels irregular, you should check for a full 60 seconds.

What should you check?

Your heart rate:

  • Most adults have a resting heart rate between 60 and 100 bpm
  • Your heart rate may be lower if you do lots of exercise and are very fit. Some athletes have heart rates ranging from 40 to 60 bpm.

Your heart rhythm:

  • Occasional irregularities such as missed beats are very common and usually nothing to worry about, but it is still best to check this with your doctor.
  • An irregular pulse could also be a sign of an arrhythmia (an abnormal heart rhythm), such as Atrial Fibrillation (AF). This is more likely if you are 65 or older.

Listen to the example heart rhythms below to help you spot an irregular heart beat:

Regular pulse

Irregular pulse

Radial artery catheterization

Cardiac catheterization is a minimally invasive procedure commonly used to diagnose and treat heart conditions. During catheterization, small tubes (catheters) are inserted into the circulatory system under x-ray guidance in order to obtain information about blood flow and pressures within the heart and to determine if there are obstructions within the blood vessels feeding the heart muscle (coronary arteries).

The catheters necessary for cardiac catheterization can be inserted either into the femoral artery (in the groin), or into the radial artery (in the wrist). The femoral artery is a larger vessel and provides a more direct route to the heart. Because of these advantages, the femoral artery has become the standard entry site for catheterization procedures. However, there has been a recent increase in the use of the radial artery for cardiac catheterization procedures.

Deciding Between the Radial and Femoral Approach

The biggest factor driving the decision to use the radial artery is the physician performing the procedure. The procedure can be more challenging technically, and the physician must have enough experience to feel comfortable with radial procedures. Many physicians are more comfortable with the femoral approach, and will therefore recommend it alone. There are a growing number of physicians in the United States, however, who prefer to use the radial artery as their default approach.

There are also many physicians who use the radial approach in selective situations where the femoral approach may be more complicated, such as in obese patients or patients with obstructions in the blood vessels supplying the lower extremity. The femoral approach may be selected for patients in whom preservation of the radial artery is essential, such as patients requiring dialysis fistulas or patients who require the radial artery to be used for bypass surgery.

The Radial Artery Catheterization Procedure

Before beginning the procedure, the physician performing the procedure may test the blood supply to the hand. There are 2 arteries that supply blood to the hand (the radial artery and ulnar artery), and if both are working it is safe to proceed. The procedure can be performed from either wrist, and the physician may have specific reasons to use one side over the other. Both the groin (femoral) and the wrist (radial) may be prepped for the procedure in the rare event that the arteries in the arm do not allow catheters to get to the heart easily and the femoral artery needs to be used. A nurse administers medication through a vein for sedation. The cardiologist then delivers a local anesthetic to the wrist and inserts a short tube (sheath or introducer) into the radial artery. Medications are given through the sheath to relax the radial artery, which may cause a temporary burning sensation in the hand and arm. A blood thinner is also given to help prevent clots from forming in the artery.

Catheters are then advanced through the sheath and guided to the heart, and the coronary angiogram (and stent placement if necessary) is performed. Once the procedure is complete, the catheters and sheath are removed from the radial artery, and a compression device is placed on the wrist (Figure 4), which is typically worn for 2 hours. The patient is allowed to sit up and eat after the procedure. It is recommended that no undue stress be put on the radial artery as it heals.

Patients are asked to avoid lifting anything heavy (like suitcases or grocery bags) with that hand, but should otherwise be able to use the hand for activities such as eating and writing. By the third day after the procedure, normal activity with the hand can be resumed.


Figure 4. Radial artery catheterization

radial artery catheterization

Note: Left wrist post radial artery catheterization with placement of a compression band, which is typically worn for 2 hours.

Advantages of Radial Artery Catheterization

Any catheter placement into a blood vessel is associated with a risk of bleeding. After removal of the catheter from the femoral artery, the patient will need to lie flat without bending the leg for 2 to 6 hours to allow the artery to heal. In some cases, even with prolonged immobility, internal bleeding can occur and can be severe enough to require blood transfusions or surgery to repair the femoral artery. These complications are rare, but they may be less common if the catheter is inserted in the wrist 1. Because the radial artery is much smaller and located closer to the skin surface, internal bleeding is eliminated and any external bleeding can be easily compressed.

After the catheter is removed from the radial artery, a compression device is placed around the wrist to apply pressure on the artery, and there is no requirement for the patient to remain immobile. In general, patients find radial catheterization more comfortable than femoral catheterization because they are able to sit up, walk, and eat immediately. This is a particular advantage for patients with back problems because there is no need for heavy pressure on the leg and prolonged immobility.

Risks of Radial Artery Catheterization

Any invasive procedure carries some risk of significant bleeding. Using the radial artery rather than the femoral artery may reduce the risk of bleeding from the puncture site, particularly in patients who are obese or require blood thinning agents to treat their heart condition. There are, however, risks unique to radial artery catheterization. Though rare, spasm of the muscles lining the wall of the radial artery may be experienced by some patients. This can make it difficult for the cardiologist to maneuver the catheters and may cause the patient discomfort. This is temporary, and can be prevented and treated with medications in the majority of cases. Occasionally, it can be severe enough to necessitate switching to the femoral artery. Another potential risk is that the radial artery may close after the procedure. This may result because of a blood clot forming in the artery. Blood thinners given during the procedure help to prevent this, and with modern techniques it has become very rare, occurring in less than 2% of cases. When radial artery occlusion does occur, it generally causes no issue for the hand because there are redundant blood supplies to the hand.

  1. Radial Artery Catheterization. Circulation. 2011;124:e407-e408.
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ArteriesCardiovascular System

Popliteal artery

popliteal artery location

Popliteal artery

The popliteal artery is a continuation of the femoral artery in the popliteal fossa at the rear of the knee. It begins where the femoral artery emerges from an opening (adductor hiatus) in the tendon of the adductor magnus muscle and ends where it splits into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries. As it passes through the popliteal fossa, it gives off anastomoses called genicular arteries that supply the knee joint.

The popliteal fossa (Figure 2) is a diamond-shaped depression formed between the hamstrings and gastrocnemius muscle posterior to the knee. The inferior margins of the diamond are formed by the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius muscle. The superior margins are formed laterally by the biceps femoris muscle and medially by the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles. The tendons of the biceps femoris muscle and the semitendinosus muscle are palpable and often visible.

The popliteal fossa contains the popliteal artery, the popliteal vein, the tibial nerve, and the common fibular nerve (Figure 2). The popliteal artery is the deepest of the structures in the fossa and descends through the region from the upper medial side. As a consequence of its position, the popliteal artery pulse is difficult to find, but usually can be detected on deep palpation just medial to the midline of the fossa.

In the leg proper, the three most significant arteries are the anterior tibial, posterior tibial, and fibular arteries.

  1. The anterior tibial artery arises from the popliteal artery and immediately penetrates through the interosseous membrane of the leg to the anterior compartment. There, it travels lateral to the tibia and supplies the extensor muscles. Upon reaching the ankle, it gives rise to the following dorsal arteries of the foot.
    a. The dorsal pedal artery traverses the ankle and upper medial surface of the foot and gives rise to the arcuate artery.
    b. The arcuate artery sweeps across the foot from medial to lateral and gives rise to vessels that supply the toes.
  2. The posterior tibial artery is a continuation of the popliteal artery that passes down the leg, deep in the posterior compartment, supplying flexor muscles along the way. Inferiorly, it passes behind the medial malleolus of the ankle and into the plantar region of the foot. It gives rise
    to the following:
    a. The medial and lateral plantar arteries originate by branching of the posterior tibial artery at the ankle. The medial plantar artery supplies mainly the great toe. The lateral plantar artery sweeps across the sole of the foot and becomes the deep plantar arch.
    b. The deep plantar arch gives off another set of arteries to the toes.
  3. The fibular (peroneal) artery arises from the proximal end of the posterior tibial artery near the knee. It descends through the lateral side of the posterior compartment, supplying lateral muscles of the leg along the way, and ends in a network of arteries in the heel.

Figure 1. Popliteal artery

popliteal artery

Figure 2. Popliteal fossa

popliteal fossa

Figure 3. Popliteal artery location

popliteal artery location

Popliteal artery aneurysm

An aneurysm is an abnormal widening or ballooning of a part of an artery due to weakness in the wall of the blood vessel. Popliteal aneurysms are defined as localised dilatations of the popliteal artery greater than 2 cm in diameter or an increase of 1.5 times the normal arterial calibre 1, 2. Popliteal aneurysms are the commonest peripheral artery aneurysm and have a prevalence of about 1% in men aged 65–80 years 3. They are uncommon in women. True aneurysms are mainly atherosclerotic in origin. Rare causes include mycotic aneurysm, Bechet’s and Marfan’s syndrome. The aneurysms may be single or multiple at any point along the popliteal artery. They are often associated with other aneurysms, e.g. abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) or contralateral popliteal aneurysms. They tend to occur in older men with significant co-morbidity. This needs to be borne in mind when planning treatment.

Asymptomatic popliteal aneurysms develop symptoms at a rate of about 14% per year (range, 5–24%) 4. Acute ischaemia occurs in about one-third of cases 5, 6, 7. This is usually due to thrombosis but thrombus from the aneurysm can embolise distally. About a quarter of popliteal aneurysms are associated with intermittent claudication, either from thrombosis, repeated micro-emboli or combined stenotic arterial disease. Pressure symptoms from large popliteal aneurysms can produce pain or discomfort behind the knee or swelling, with or without deep venous thrombosis, due to popliteal vein compression in about 5% of cases. Rupture nowadays is very rare 8.

Death and limb loss are both reported following elective popliteal aneurysms repair and about 1 % of patients will be left with residual symptoms 4. Five-year limb salvage and graft patency are about 90% and 80%, respectively. Despite this, approximately 25–50% of popliteal aneurysms which undergo operation are asymptomatic 9, 10, 11.

The larger the popliteal aneurysm, the more likely it is to contain thrombus within it 12. One study has shown a greater risk of complications developing in those popliteal aneurysms associated with absent distal pulses 13. It is postulated that embolisation from the aneurysm can gradually occlude runoff.

In a cohort of 24 popliteal aneurysms undergoing serial ultrasound scans, rate of growth increased with size and presence of hypertension 14. The expansion of popliteal aneurysms less than 2 cm in diameter was 3 mm. Were 2 cm to be chosen as a cut-off point for consideration of operation then popliteal aneurysms less than 17 mm should undergo annual ultrasound scan and larger ones 6-monthly scans. Similarly, if 3 cm is the chosen cut off point then annual scans would be required for popliteal aneurysms less than 2.4 cm in diameter and 6-monthly scans if the aneurysm were larger. The results of this study 8 show that asymptomatic popliteal aneurysms less than 3 cm in diameter with distortion of less than 45° can be safely managed by ultrasound surveillance.

Bypass, preferably using vein with proximal and distal ligation of the popliteal aneurysm is the operation of choice and provides 5-year patency of 70–90% with good exclusion of the aneurysm. However, endovascular procedures may be appropriate in some cases. Whether this form of treatment stands the test of time remains to be seen.

Patients with acute ischaemia due to thrombosis of popliteal aneurysms should be immediately treated with intravenous heparin and, following assessment, undergo operation, if appropriate. In addition to the recognised complications of thrombolysis, acute deterioration during treatment seems to be a particular problem when dealing with popliteal aneurysms. Thrombolysis should be restricted to attempted clearance of run-off on-table carried out whilst the upper anastomosis is being performed.

Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome,

Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome was first described by a Scottish medical student, T.P. Anderson Stuart in 1879 15. He noticed that the popliteal artery was passing medial to the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle while examining an amputated gangrenous leg, but it was not until 1965 that ‘Love and Whelan’ coined the term ‘popliteal artery entrapment syndrome’. PAES typically affects both active and sedentary people, without any risk factors for atherosclerotic disease. The precise incidence is unknown but military and civilian studies report the figure between 0.165% and 3.5%. It is found most commonly in males (M:F 9:1) and 34% of cases are bilateral 16, 17.

Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome is a rare abnormality of the anatomical relationship between the popliteal artery and adjacent muscles or fibrous bands in the popliteal fossa. Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome is due to either an acquired or a congenital abnormality 15. The acquired form of popliteal artery entrapment syndrome is caused by hypertrophy of the musculature surrounding the popliteal artery and this is found typically in athletes and military personnel. The congenital form occurs due to anatomical developmental abnormalities during the embryological development of the lower limb. The popliteal artery normally passes between the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle in the lower leg. Therefore an anatomical developmental abnormality or hypertrophy of muscular tissue following development will result in a band of tissue crossing over the artery and this leads to the intermittent claudication of the artery. This band may be fascia-like or tendinous in nature.

The classification system used for popliteal artery entrapment syndrome was introduced by Delaney and Gonzales in 1971 and types V and VI were added on at a later stage 18.

  • Type I, is the classical presentation with the popliteal artery passing medial to the medial head of gastrocnemius. This results in marked medial deviation of the popliteal artery both anatomically and on angiogram. Occlusion of the artery by plantar flexion is an important sign in type I.
  • Type II, the artery is medial to the medial head of gastrocnemius which is abnormally displaced.
  • Type III entrapment, is caused by the presence of an additional slip of gastrocnemius muscle originating from the lateral or medial femoral condyles. Compression of the popliteal artery occurs if the artery passes anterior to the additional head of gastrocnemius.
  • Type IV entrapment is caused by the development of the popliteus muscle over the popliteal artery.
  • Type V results from external compression of both the popliteal vein and artery.
  • Type VI is a functional/acquired type which results from muscle hypertrophy found most commonly in athletes and military personnel. The classification has a greater role in the understanding of the condition than in the management.

When clinically examining the patient, it is important to monitor peripheral pulses (dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial) in response to active plantar flexion and passive dorsi-flexion of the foot. Diminished peripheral pulses in response to this test (Positional Stress Test), is a characteristic sign of popliteal artery entrapment syndrome but this is not reliable. Other associated signs include pallor, pain, paraesthesia (sensation of pins and needles), poikilothermy (cool lower limb to touch) and paralysis. The pain, similar to intermittent claudication, may be reported after a short, gentle walk but not while running or resting as the soleus muscle is more active than the gastrocnemius muscles while running, but this is an unreliable symptom.

Radiological imaging studies are very useful when combined with positional manoeuvres. Duplex Doppler imaging is the first line study of choice 19. Angiography is the traditional method of second line investigation. It is useful in ruling out differential diagnoses such as popliteal aneurysms, adventitial cystic disease and emboli which present with similar clinical findings. The disadvantage of angiography is that it is invasive and furthermore it fails to clearly identify surrounding structures. Computed tomography (CT scan), with or without 3-dimensional reconstruction, is also reported as being useful for diagnosing popliteal artery entrapment syndrome in the literature. It provides detailed information on the wall and diameter of the artery and relation of the artery to adjacent structures but it too uses contrast material and ionizing radiation 20:477–483. MRI and MR angiography have emerged as promising imaging modalities for the diagnosis of popliteal artery entrapment syndrome, and have the advantage of multiplanar capabilities, nonionizing radiation, high soft-tissue contrast and avoidance of iodinated contrast material. They can be undertaken at rest and during active manoeuvres, and thus show functional entrapment if present. Magnetic resonance imaging is reported as the diagnostic method of choice when there is clinical evidence or duplex Doppler imaging suggestive of popliteal artery entrapment syndrome 21.

Recurrent external compression of the popliteal artery leads to mechanical damage to the vessel wall. This damage occurs in three distinct histological stages 22. In the earliest stage, the areas distal to the occlusion show neovascularization of the adventitia progressing to include the outer half of the media of the artery. There is little fibrosis or destruction of the media. In stage 2, as the disease progresses, there is much more neovascularization which spreads to include the entire media. There is fibrous replacement of the media and focal fragmentation of the internal elastic lamina. Extensive fibrous replacement of the media, marked fragmentation of the internal elastic lamina and extensive fibrointimal proliferation with overlying thrombi characterize stage 3. The development of collateral vessels may occur with these chronic changes. Therefore early diagnosis is essential to avoid these chronic intravascular changes. The early diagnosis in this case study resulted in little mechanical damage to the vessel wall. When the diagnosis is not made until the patient has reached stage 3 in the mechanical damage to the vessel wall, vascular reconstruction is required.

The aim of treatment of popliteal artery entrapment syndrome is to release the entrapped artery by myectomy and to re-establish transluminal flow by repairing the luminal stenosis. If the trans-luminal flow is unable to be re-established then a venous graft may be utilized instead. It has been reported that transluminal angioplasty is ineffective, as the extraluminal aetiology will result in restenosis of the artery upon active plantar flexion 23:336–340. The long term prognosis following release of the entrapped artery has not been extensively reported in the literature to date. Marzo et al. looked at the 30 cases of popliteal artery entrapment syndrome over a 26 year period and found that patients who needed to have popliteal artery release were younger (mean 31 years, ±3 years) than patients who required vascular reconstruction (mean 41 years, ±4 years). These patients were diagnosed at an earlier stage and therefore as a result had a better outcome (94.4% long-term patency rate) as vascular reconstruction was associated with shorter long term patency rates (long-term patency rate was only 58.3%) 24:59–64., 19.

  1. Szilagyi DE, Schwartz RL, Reddy DJ. Popliteal artery aneurysms. Their natural history and management. Arch Surg. 1981;116:724–8.
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  3. Trickett JP, Scott RAP, Tilney HS. Screening and management of asymptomatic popliteal aneurysms. J Med Screen. 2002;9:92–3.
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  5. Bowrey DJ, Osman H, Gibbons CP, Blackett RL. Atherosclerotic popliteal aneurysms: management and outcome in forty-six patients. EurJ Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2003;25:79–81.
  6. Ebaugh JL, Morasch MD, Matsumura JS, Eskandar MK, Meadows WS, Pearce WH. Fate of excluded popliteal artery aneurysms. J Vasc Surg. 2003;37:954–9.
  7. Laxdal E, Amundsen S, Dregelid E, Pedersen G, Aune S. Surgical treatment of popliteal artery aneurysms. Scand J Surg. 2004;93:57–60.
  8. Galland R. Popliteal Aneurysms: From John Hunter to the 21st Century. Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England. 2007;89(5):466-471. doi:10.1308/003588407X183472.
  9. Mahmood A, Salaman R, Sintler M, Smith S, Simms M, Vohra R. Surgery of popliteal artery aneurysms: a 12-year experience. J Vasc Surg. 2003;37:586–93.
  10. Kirkpatrick UJ, McWilliams RG, Martin J, Brennan JA, Gilling-Smith GL, Harris PL. Late complications after ligation and bypass for popliteal aneurysm. Br J Surg. 2004;91:174–7.
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  12. Varga ZA, Locke-Edmunds JC, Baird RN. A multicenter study of popliteal aneurysms. J Vasc Surg. 1994;20:171–7.
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  15. O’Leary DP, O’Brien G, Fulton G. Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports. 2010;1(2):13-15. doi:10.1016/j.ijscr.2010.07.003.
  16. Bouhoutsos J., Daskalakis E. Muscular abnormalities affecting the popliteal vessels. Br J Surg. 1981;68:501.
  17. Gibson MH, Mills JG, Johnson GE, Downs AR. Popliteal entrapment syndrome. Annals of Surgery. 1977;185(3):341-348.
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  19. Di Marzo L., Cavallaro A., Sciacca V., Lepidi S., Marmorale A., Tamburelli A. Diagnosis of popliteal artery entrapment syndrome: the role of duplex scanning. J Vasc Surg. 1991;13:434–438.
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  21. Atilla S., Ilgit E.T., Akpek S., Yucel C., Tali E.T., Isik S. MR imaging and MR angiography in popliteal artery entrapment syndrome. Eur Radiol. 1998;8(6):1025–1029.
  22. Nayler S.J., Levien L.J., Cooper K. Histopatholgic features of the popliteal artery entrapment syndrome. Vasc Endovascular Surg. 2000;34(6):665–672.
  23. Bail D.H., Schneider W., Duda S. The popliteal artery entrapment syndrome in an older patient. Its diagnosis after unsuccessful laser-assisted percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1996;121(March (11
  24. Di Marzo L., Cavallaro A., Sciacca V., Mingoli A., Tamburelli A. Surgical treatment of popliteal artery entrapment syndrome: a ten-year experience. Eur J Vasc Surg. 1991;5(February (1
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ArteriesCardiovascular System

Peripheral artery disease

peripheral artery disease leg pain

Peripheral artery disease

Peripheral artery disease is a disease in which plaque builds up in the arteries that carry blood to your head, organs and limbs 1. Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, fibrous tissue, and other substances in the blood.

Approximately 12% of the adult population has peripheral artery disease and the prevalence is equal in men and women 2.

Other names for Peripheral Artery Disease:

  • Atherosclerotic peripheral arterial disease
  • Intermittent Claudication
  • Hardening of the arteries
  • Leg cramps from poor circulation
  • Peripheral arterial disease
  • Peripheral vascular disease
  • Poor circulation
  • Vascular disease

When plaque builds up in the body’s arteries, the condition is called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up in the wall of an artery. Peripheral artery disease is usually caused by atherosclerosis in the peripheral arteries. Plaque is made up of deposits of fats, cholesterol and other substances. Plaque formations can grow large enough to significantly reduce the blood’s flow through an artery. Over time, plaque can harden and narrow the arteries. This limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your body 3. When a plaque becomes brittle or inflamed, it may rupture, triggering a blood clot to form. A clot may either further narrow the artery, or completely block it.

Where plaque occurs, two things can happen. One is that a piece of plaque may break off and be carried by the bloodstream until it gets stuck. The other is that a blood clot (thrombus) may form on the plaque’s surface. If either of these things happen, the artery can be blocked and blood flow cut off.

If the blocked artery supplies the heart or brain, a heart attack or stroke occurs. If an artery supplying oxygen to the extremities (often the legs) is blocked, gangrene can result. Gangrene is tissue death.

If the blockage remains in the peripheral arteries in the legs, it can cause pain, changes in skin color, sores or ulcers and difficulty walking. Total loss of circulation to the legs and feet can cause gangrene and loss of a limb.

If the blockage occurs in a carotid artery, it can cause a stroke.

Exactly how atherosclerosis begins or what causes it isn’t known, but some theories have been proposed. Many scientists believe plaque begins when an artery’s inner lining (called the endothelium) becomes damaged. Three possible causes of damage are:

  • Elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood
  • High blood pressure
  • Cigarette smoking

Smoking has a big role in the growth of atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries, aorta and arteries in the legs. It makes fatty deposits more likely to form and to grow bigger and faster.

It’s important to learn the facts about peripheral artery disease. As with any disease, the more you understand, the more likely you’ll be able to help your healthcare professional make an early diagnosis and start treatment. Peripheral artery disease has common symptoms, but many people with peripheral artery disease never have any symptoms at all.

Peripheral artery disease usually affects the arteries in the legs, but it also can affect the arteries that carry blood from your heart to your head, arms, kidneys, and stomach. Peripheral artery disease is similar to coronary artery disease (coronary heart disease). Both peripheral artery disease and coronary artery disease are caused by atherosclerosis that narrows and blocks arteries in various critical regions of the body.

This article focuses on peripheral artery disease that affects blood flow to the legs.

Blocked blood flow to your legs can cause pain and numbness. It also can raise your risk of getting an infection in the affected limbs. Your body may have a hard time fighting the infection.

If severe enough, blocked blood flow can cause gangrene (tissue death). In very serious cases, this can lead to leg amputation.

If you have leg pain when you walk or climb stairs, talk with your doctor. Sometimes older people think that leg pain is just a symptom of aging. However, the cause of the pain could be peripheral artery disease. Tell your doctor if you’re feeling pain in your legs and discuss whether you should be tested for peripheral artery disease.

Smoking is the main risk factor for peripheral artery disease. If you smoke or have a history of smoking, your risk of peripheral artery disease increases. Other factors, such as age and having certain diseases or conditions, also increase your risk of peripheral artery disease.

Peripheral artery disease is mostly seen in people above 65 years of age. Diabetes, smoking, and high blood pressure increase the risk of peripheral artery disease.

The two main symptoms of peripheral artery disease are pain at rest and cramps in the legs mostly during physical activities (intermittent claudication).

Peripheral artery disease increases your risk of coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and transient ischemic attack (“mini-stroke”). Although peripheral artery disease. is serious, it’s treatable. If you have the disease, see your doctor regularly and treat the underlying atherosclerosis. peripheral artery disease. treatment may slow or stop disease progress and reduce the risk of complications. Treatments include lifestyle changes, medicines, and surgery or procedures. Researchers continue to explore new therapies for peripheral artery disease.

How can Peripheral Artery Disease Be Prevented ?

Taking action to control your risk factors can help prevent or delay peripheral artery disease and its complications. Know your family history of health problems related to peripheral artery disease. If you or someone in your family has the disease, be sure to tell your doctor.

Controlling risk factors includes the following:

  • Be physically active.
  • Be screened for peripheral artery disease. A simple office test, called an ankle-brachial index, can help determine whether you have peripheral artery disease.
  • Follow heart-healthy eating.
  • If you smoke, quit. Talk with your doctor about programs and products that can help you quit smoking.
  • If you’re overweight or obese, work with your doctor to create a reasonable weight-loss plan.

The lifestyle changes described above can reduce your risk of developing peripheral artery disease. These changes also can help prevent and control conditions that can be associated with peripheral artery disease, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and stroke.

Living With Peripheral Artery Disease

If you have peripheral artery disease, you’re more likely to also have coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and transient ischemic attack (“mini-stroke”) 4. However, you can take steps to treat and control peripheral artery disease and lower your risk for these other conditions.

  • If you have peripheral artery disease, you may feel pain in your calf or thigh muscles after walking. Try to take a break and allow the pain to ease before walking again. Over time, this may increase the distance that you can walk without pain.
  • Heart-healthy lifestyle changes can help prevent or delay peripheral artery disease and other related problems, such as coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and transient ischemic attack. Heart-healthy lifestyle changes include physical activity, quitting smoking, and heart-healthy eating.

Talk with your doctor about taking part in a supervised exercise program. This type of program has been shown to reduce peripheral artery disease symptoms.

Check your feet and toes regularly for sores or possible infections. Wear comfortable shoes that fit well. Maintain good foot hygiene and have professional medical treatment for corns, bunions, or calluses.

Walking Improves Blood Flow

A regular walking program will improve blood flow as new, small blood vessels form. The walking program is mainly as follows:

  • Warm up by walking at a pace that does not cause your normal leg symptoms.
  • Then walk to the point of mild-to-moderate pain or discomfort.
  • Rest until the pain goes away, then try walking again.

Your goal over time is to be able to walk 30 to 60 minutes. Always talk with your health care provider before you start an exercise program. Call your provider right away if you have any of these symptoms during or after exercise:

  • Chest pain
  • Breathing problems
  • Dizziness
  • An uneven heart rate

Make simple changes to add walking to your day:

  • At work, try taking the stairs instead of the elevator, take a 5-minute walk break every hour, or add a 10- to 20-minute walk during lunch.
  • Try parking at the far end of the parking lot, or even down the street. Even better, try walking to the store.
  • If you ride the bus, get off the bus 1 stop before your normal stop and walk the rest of the way.

Lifestyle Changes

Stop smoking. Smoking narrows your arteries and increases the risk of blood clots forming. Other things you can do to stay as healthy as possible are to:

  • Make sure your blood pressure is well-controlled.
  • Reduce your weight, if you are overweight.
  • Eat a low-cholesterol and low-fat diet.
  • Test your blood sugar if you have diabetes, and keep it under control.

Take Care of Your Feet

Check your feet every day. Inspect the tops, sides, soles, heels, and between your toes. If you have vision problems, ask someone to check your feet for you. Look for:

  • Dry and cracked skin
  • Blisters or sores
  • Bruises or cuts
  • Redness, warmth, or tenderness
  • Firm or hard spots

See your healthcare provider right way about any foot problems. DO NOT try to treat them yourself first.

When to See the Doctor

Call your provider if you have:

  • A leg or foot that is cool to the touch, pale, blue, or numb
  • Chest pain or shortness of breath when you have leg pain
  • Leg pain that does not go away, even when you are not walking or moving (called rest pain)
  • Legs that are red, hot, or swollen
  • New sores on your legs or feet
  • Signs of infection (fever, sweats, red and painful skin, general ill feeling)
  • Sores that do not heal

Figure 1. Peripheral artery disease

peripheral artery disease

Note: The illustration shows how peripheral artery disease can affect arteries in the legs. Figure A shows a normal artery with normal blood flow. The inset image shows a cross-section of the normal artery. Figure B shows an artery with plaque buildup that’s partially blocking blood flow. The inset image shows a cross-section of the narrowed artery.

Risk factors for peripheral artery disease

The most common risk factors associated with peripheral artery disease are increasing age, diabetes, and smoking 5.


Persons aged 65 years or older in the Framingham Heart Study and persons aged 70 years or older in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) were at increased risk for the development of peripheral artery disease 6. The prevalence was 4.3% in participants older than 40 years compared with 14.5% in those older than 70 years 7.


Smoking is the single most important modifiable risk factor for the development of peripheral artery disease. It is unknown why the association between peripheral artery disease and smoking is about twice as strong as that between peripheral artery disease and coronary artery disease (coronary heart disease) 8. Smokers have a risk of peripheral artery disease that is 4 times that of nonsmokers and experience onset of symptoms almost a decade earlier. A dose-response relationship exists between pack-year history and peripheral artery disease risk 9, 10. Furthermore, smokers have poorer survival rates, a greater likelihood of progression to critical limb ischemia and amputation, and decreased artery bypass graft patency rates when compared with nonsmokers. Both former and current smokers are at increased risk of peripheral artery disease. However, patients who are able to stop smoking are less likely to develop critical limb ischemia and have improved survival 11.

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes increases the risk of developing symptomatic and asymptomatic peripheral artery disease by 1.5- to 4-fold and leads to an increased risk of cardiovascular events and early mortality 12. In NHANES 10, 26% of participants with peripheral artery disease were identified as having diabetes, whereas in the Edinburgh Artery Study 13, the prevalence of peripheral artery disease was greater in participants with diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance (20.6%) than in those with normal glucose tolerance (12.5%). Diabetes mellitus is a stronger risk factor for peripheral artery disease in women than men, and the prevalence of peripheral artery disease is higher in African American and Hispanic diabetic populations 14, 15. Diabetes (and poor foot care) is the most common cause for amputation in the United States 14.


In the Framingham Study, an elevated cholesterol level was associated with a 2-fold increased risk of claudication 16. In NHANES, more than 60% of patients with peripheral artery disease had hypercholesterolemia, whereas in the PARTNERS (Peripheral artery disease Awareness, Risk, and Treatment: New Resources for Survival) program, the prevalence of hyperlipidemia in patients with known peripheral artery disease was 77% 10. Hyperlipidemia increases the adjusted likelihood of developing peripheral artery disease by 10% for every 10 mg/dL rise in total cholesterol (to convert to mmol/L, multiply by 0.0259) 17. The 2001 National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III considered peripheral artery disease a coronary artery disease risk equivalent 18.


Almost every study has shown a strong association between hypertension and peripheral artery disease, and as many as 50% to 92% of patients with peripheral artery disease have hypertension 19. The risk of developing claudication is increased 2.5- to 4-fold in both men and women with hypertension 16. In the Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly Program, 5.5% of the participants had an ankle brachial index (ABI) under 0.90 20. Cumulatively, these studies underscore the high prevalence of peripheral artery disease in patients with hypertension.

Nontraditional Risk Factors

Other risk factors that are associated with an increased prevalence of peripheral artery disease include race and ethnicity (African Americans and those of Hispanic origin are at higher risk), chronic kidney disease, the metabolic syndrome, and levels of C-reactive protein, β2-microglobulin, cystatin C, lipoprotein(a), and homocysteine 21, 22.

Peripheral artery disease causes

The most common cause of peripheral artery disease is atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up in your arteries. The exact cause of atherosclerosis isn’t known.

The disease may start if certain factors damage the inner layers of the arteries. These factors include:

  • Smoking
  • High amounts of certain fats and cholesterol in the blood
  • High blood pressure
  • High amounts of sugar in the blood due to insulin resistance or diabetes

When damage occurs, your body starts a healing process. The healing may cause plaque to build up where the arteries are damaged.

Eventually, a section of plaque can rupture (break open), causing a blood clot to form at the site. The buildup of plaque or blood clots can severely narrow or block the arteries and limit the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your body.

Who is at Risk for Peripheral Artery Disease ?

Peripheral artery disease affects millions of people in the United States. The disease is more common in blacks than any other racial or ethnic group. The major risk factors for peripheral artery disease are smoking, older age, and having certain diseases or conditions.


Smoking is the main risk factor for peripheral artery disease and your risk increases if you smoke or have a history of smoking. Quitting smoking slows the progress of peripheral artery disease. People who smoke and people who have diabetes are at highest risk for peripheral artery disease complications, such as gangrene (tissue death) in the leg from decreased blood flow.

Older Age

Older age also is a risk factor for peripheral artery disease. Plaque builds up in your arteries as you age. Older age combined with other risk factors, such as smoking or diabetes, also puts you at higher risk for peripheral artery disease.

Diseases and Conditions

Many diseases and conditions can raise your risk of peripheral artery disease, including:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High blood cholesterol
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Metabolic syndrome

Peripheral artery disease symptoms and signs

Many people who have peripheral artery disease don’t have any signs or symptoms.

The most common symptoms of peripheral artery disease involving the lower extremities are cramping, pain or tiredness in the leg or hip muscles while walking or climbing stairs. Typically, this pain goes away with rest and returns when you walk again.

  • Many people mistake the symptoms of peripheral artery disease for something else.
  • Peripheral artery disease often goes undiagnosed by healthcare professionals.
  • People with peripheral arterial disease have a higher risk of coronary artery disease, heart attack or stroke.
  • Left untreated, peripheral artery disease can lead to gangrene and amputation.

Added risks for peripheral artery disease:

  • If you smoke, you have an especially high risk for peripheral artery disease.
  • If you have diabetes, you have an especially high risk for peripheral artery disease.
  • People with high blood pressure or high cholesterol are at risk for peripheral artery disease.
  • Your risk increases with age.

Even if you don’t have signs or symptoms, ask your doctor whether you should get checked for peripheral artery disease if you’re:

  • Aged 70 or older
  • Aged 50 or older and have a history of smoking or diabetes
  • Younger than 50 and have diabetes and one or more risk factors for atherosclerosis

Intermittent Claudication

People who have peripheral artery disease may have symptoms when walking or climbing stairs, which may include pain, numbness, aching, or heaviness in the leg muscles. Symptoms also may include cramping in the affected leg(s) and in the buttocks, thighs, calves, and feet. Symptoms may ease after resting. These symptoms are called intermittent claudication.

During physical activity, your muscles need increased blood flow. If your blood vessels are narrowed or blocked, your muscles won’t get enough blood, which will lead to symptoms. When resting, the muscles need less blood flow, so the symptoms will go away.

Other Signs and Symptoms

Other signs and symptoms of peripheral artery disease include:

  • Weak or absent pulses in the legs or feet
  • Sores or wounds on the toes, feet, or legs that heal slowly, poorly, or not at all
  • A pale or bluish color to the skin
  • A lower temperature in one leg compared to the other leg
  • Poor nail growth on the toes and decreased hair growth on the legs
  • Erectile dysfunction, especially among men who have diabetes

How is Peripheral Artery Disease Diagnosed ?

Peripheral artery disease is diagnosed based on your medical and family histories, a physical exam, and test results.

Peripheral artery disease often is diagnosed after symptoms are reported. A correct diagnosis is important because people who have peripheral artery disease are at higher risk for coronary heart disease (coronary artery disease), heart attack, stroke, and transient ischemic attack (“mini-stroke”). If you have peripheral artery disease, your doctor also may want to check for signs of these diseases and conditions.

Specialists Involved

Primary care doctors, such as internists and family doctors, may treat people who have mild peripheral artery disease. For more advanced peripheral artery disease, a vascular specialist may be involved. This is a doctor who specializes in treating blood vessel diseases and conditions.

A cardiologist also may be involved in treating people who have peripheral artery disease. Cardiologists treat heart problems, such as coronary heart disease and heart attack, which often affect people who have peripheral artery disease.

Medical and Family Histories

Your doctor may ask:

  • Whether you have any risk factors for peripheral artery disease. For example, he or she may ask whether you smoke or have diabetes.
  • About your symptoms, including any symptoms that occur when walking, exercising, sitting, standing, or climbing.
  • About your diet.
  • About any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines.
  • Whether anyone in your family has a history of heart or blood vessel diseases.

Physical Exam

During the physical exam, your doctor will look for signs of peripheral artery disease. He or she may check the blood flow in your legs or feet to see whether you have weak or absent pulses.

Your doctor also may check the pulses in your leg arteries for an abnormal whooshing sound called a bruit. He or she can hear this sound with a stethoscope. A bruit may be a warning sign of a narrowed or blocked artery.

Your doctor may compare blood pressure between your limbs to see whether the pressure is lower in the affected limb. He or she also may check for poor wound healing or any changes in your hair, skin, or nails that may be signs of peripheral artery disease.

Diagnostic Tests

Ankle-Brachial Index

A simple test called an ankle-brachial index (ABI) often is used to diagnose peripheral artery disease. The ankle-brachial index compares blood pressure in your ankle to blood pressure in your arm. This test shows how well blood is flowing in your limbs.

Ankle-brachial index can show whether peripheral artery disease. is affecting your limbs, but it won’t show which blood vessels are narrowed or blocked.

A normal ankle-brachial index result is 1.0 or greater (with a range of 0.90 to 1.30). The test takes about 10 to 15 minutes to measure both arms and both ankles. This test may be done yearly to see whether peripheral artery disease is getting worse.

Figure 2. Ankle-Brachial Index

peripheral artery disease diagnosis

Note: The illustration shows the ankle-brachial index test. The test compares blood pressure in the ankle to blood pressure in the arm. As the blood pressure cuff deflates, the blood pressure in the arteries is recorded.

Doppler Ultrasound

A Doppler ultrasound looks at blood flow in the major arteries and veins in the limbs. During this test, a handheld device is placed on your body and passed back and forth over the affected area. A computer converts sound waves into a picture of blood flow in the arteries and veins.

The results of this test can show whether a blood vessel is blocked. The results also can help show the severity of peripheral artery disease.

Treadmill Test

A treadmill test can show the severity of symptoms and the level of exercise that brings them on. You’ll walk on a treadmill for this test. This shows whether you have any problems during normal walking.

You may have an ankle-brachial index (ABI) test before and after the treadmill test. This will help compare blood flow in your arms and legs before and after exercise.

Magnetic Resonance Angiogram

A magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA) uses magnetic and radio wave energy to take pictures of your blood vessels. This test is a type of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

An magnetic resonance angiogram can show the location and severity of a blocked blood vessel. If you have a pacemaker, man-made joint, stent, surgical clips, mechanical heart valve, or other metallic devices in your body, you might not be able to have an magnetic resonance angiogram. Ask your doctor whether an magnetic resonance angiogram is an option for you.


An arteriogram provides a “road map” of the arteries. Doctors use this test to find the exact location of a blocked artery.

For this test, dye is injected through a needle or catheter (tube) into one of your arteries. This may make you feel mildly flushed. After the dye is injected, an x ray is taken. The x ray can show the location, type, and extent of the blockage in the artery.

Some doctors use a newer method of arteriogram that uses tiny ultrasound cameras. These cameras take pictures of the insides of the blood vessels. This method is called intravascular ultrasound.

Blood Tests

Your doctor may recommend blood tests to check for peripheral artery disease risk factors. For example, blood tests can help diagnose conditions such as diabetes and high blood cholesterol.

Peripheral artery disease treatment

Treatments for peripheral artery disease include heart-healthy lifestyle changes, medicines, and surgery or procedures.

The overall goals of treating peripheral artery disease include reducing risk of heart attack and stroke; reducing symptoms of claudication; improving mobility and overall quality of life; and preventing complications. Treatment is based on your signs and symptoms, risk factors, and the results of physical exams and tests.

Treatment may slow or stop the progression of the disease and reduce the risk of complications. Without treatment, peripheral artery disease may progress, resulting in serious tissue damage in the form of sores or gangrene (tissue death) due to inadequate blood flow. In extreme cases of peripheral artery disease, also referred to as critical limb ischemia, removal (amputation) of part of the leg or foot may be necessary.

Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Treatment often includes making life-long heart-healthy lifestyle changes such as:

  • Physical activity
  • Quitting smoking
  • Heart-healthy eating

Surgery or Procedures

Bypass Grafting

Your doctor may recommend bypass grafting surgery if blood flow in your limb is blocked or nearly blocked. For this surgery, your doctor uses a blood vessel from another part of your body or a synthetic tube to make a graft.

This graft bypasses (that is, goes around) the blocked part of the artery. The bypass allows blood to flow around the blockage. This surgery doesn’t cure peripheral artery disease, but it may increase blood flow to the affected limb.

Angioplasty and Stent Placement

Your doctor may recommend angioplasty to restore blood flow through a narrowed or blocked artery.

During this procedure, a catheter (thin tube) with a balloon at the tip is inserted into a blocked artery. The balloon is then inflated, which pushes plaque outward against the artery wall. This widens the artery and restores blood flow.

A stent (a small mesh tube) may be placed in the artery during angioplasty. A stent helps keep the artery open after angioplasty is done. Some stents are coated with medicine to help prevent blockages in the artery.


Atherectomy is a procedure that removes plaque buildup from an artery. During the procedure, a catheter is used to insert a small cutting device into the blocked artery. The device is used to shave or cut off plaque.

The bits of plaque are removed from the body through the catheter or washed away in the bloodstream (if they’re small enough).

Doctors also can perform atherectomy using a special laser that dissolves the blockage.

Other Types of Treatment

Researchers are studying cell and gene therapies to treat peripheral artery disease. However, these treatments aren’t yet available outside of clinical trials.

  1. What Is Peripheral Artery Disease ? National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
  2. Hiatt WR. Medical treatment of peripheral arterial disease and claudication. N Engl J Med. 2001;344(21):1608-1621.
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  4. Creager MA, Libby P. Peripheral artery disease. In: Mann DL, Zipes DP, Libby P, Bonow RO, Braunwald E, eds. Braunwald’s Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. 10th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2015:chap 58.
  5. Norgren L, Hiatt WR, Dormandy JA, Nehler MR, Harris KA, Fowkes FG, TASC II Working Group Inter-society consensus for the management of peripheral arterial disease (TASC II). J Vasc Surg. 2007;45(suppl S):S5-S67.
  6. ACC/AHA 2005 Practice Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Peripheral Arterial Disease (Lower Extremity, Renal, Mesenteric, and Abdominal Aortic). Circulation. 2006;113:e463-e654.
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  11. Jonason T, Bergstrom R. Cessation of smoking in patients with intermittent claudication: effects on the risk of peripheral vascular complications, myocardial infarction and mortality. Acta Med Scand. 1987;221(3):253-260.
  12. American Diabetes Association Peripheral arterial disease in people with diabetes. Diabetes Care 2003;26(12):3333-3341.
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  18. Executive summary of the third report of the national cholesterol education program (NCEP) expert panel on detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood cholesterol in adults (Adult Treatment Panel III). JAMA 2001;285(19):2486-2497.
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ArteriesCardiovascular System

Iliac artery

iliac artery

Iliac artery

The abdominal aorta descends to the level of the fourth lumbar vertebra (lumbar spine L4) where it divides into two common iliac arteries to form the right and left common iliac arteries and the small median sacral artery. These arteries carry blood to the pelvis and lower limbs. The common iliac arteries travel along the inner surface of the ilium, descending posterior to the cecum and sigmoid colon. At the level of the lumbosacral joint, each common iliac divides to form an internal iliac artery and an external iliac artery.

The internal iliac arteries enter the pelvic cavity and supply the urinary bladder, internal and external walls of the pelvis, external genitalia, and medial side of the thigh. The major branches of the internal iliac artery are the superior gluteal, internal pudendal, obturator, and lateral sacral arteries. In females, these vessels also supply the uterus and vagina.

The external iliac arteries supply blood to the lower limbs, and they are much larger in diameter than the internal iliac arteries. The external iliac artery crosses the surface of the iliopsoas and penetrates the abdominal wall, exiting the abdomen between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic symphysis. It
emerges on the anteromedial surface of the thigh as the femoral artery. The femoral artery continue into the leg to become the popliteal artery behind the knee, and the anterior and posterior tibial arteries in the legs.

Figure 1. Origin of Common Iliac and Internal and External Iliac Arteries

iliac artery

Internal iliac artery branches

The internal iliac artery divides into anterior and posterior trunks at the level of the superior border of the greater sciatic foramen.

Branches from the posterior trunk contribute to the supply of the lower posterior abdominal wall, the posterior pelvic wall, and the gluteal region.
Branches from the anterior trunk supply the pelvic viscera, the perineum, the gluteal region, the adductor region of the thigh, and, in the fetus, the placenta.

Figure 2. Internal iliac artery branches

common iliac artery branches

Posterior trunk of the Internal Iliac artery

Branches o f the posterior trunk of the internal iliac artery are the iliolumbar artery, the lateral sacral artery, and the superior gluteal artery (Figure 2).

  • The iliolumbar artery ascends laterally back out of the pelvic inlet and divides into a lumbar branch and an iliac branch. The lumbar branch contributes to the supply of the posterior abdominal wall, psoas and quadratus lumborum muscles, and cauda equina, via a small spinal branch that passes through the intervertebral foramen between L5 and SI (sacroiliac). The iliac branch passes laterally into the iliac fossa to supply muscle and bone.
  • The lateral sacral arteries, usually two, originate from the posterior division of the internal iliac artery and course medially and inferiorly along the posterior pelvic wall. They give rise to branches that pass into the anterior sacral foramina to supply related bone and soft tissues, structures in the vertebral (sacral) canal, and skin and muscle posterior to the sacrum.
  • The superior gluteal artery is the largest branch of the internal iliac artery and is the terminal continuation of the posterior trunk. It courses posteriorly, usually passing between the lumbosacral trunk and anterior ramus of S l , to leave the pelvic cavity through the greater sciatic foramen above the piriformis muscle and enter the gluteal region of the lower limb. This vessel makes a substantial contribution to the blood supply of muscles and skin in the gluteal region and also supplies branches to adj acent muscles and bones of the pelvic walls.

Anterior trunk of the Internal Iliac artery

Branches of the anterior trunk of the internal iliac artery include the superior vesical artery, the umbilical artery, the inferior vesical artery, the middle rectal artery, the uterine artery, the vaginal artery, the obturator artery, the internal pudendal artery, and the inferior gluteal artery (Figure 2).

  • The first branch of the anterior trunk is the umbilical artery, which gives origin to the superior vesical artery and then travels forward just inferior to the margin of the pelvic inlet. Anteriorly, the vessel leaves the pelvic cavity and ascends on the internal aspect of the anterior abdominal wall to reach the umbilicus. In the fetus, the umbilical artery is large and carries blood from the fetus to the placenta. After birth, the vessel closes distally to the origin of the superior vesical artery and eventually becomes a solid fibrous cord. On the anterior abdominal wall, the cord raises a fold of peritoneum termed the medial umbilical fold. The fibrous remnant of the umbilical artery itself is the medial umbilical ligament.
  • The superior vesical artery normally originates from the root of the umbilical artery and courses medially and inferiorly to supply the superior aspect of the bladder and distal parts of the ureter. In men, it also may give rise to an artery that supplies the ductus deferens.
  • The inferior vesical artery occurs in men and supplies branches to the bladder, ureter, seminal vesicle, and prostate. The vaginal artery in women is the equivalent of the inferior vesical artery in men and, descending to the vagina, supplies branches to the vagina and to adjacent parts of the bladder and rectum.
  • The middle rectal artery courses medially to supply the rectum. The vessel anastomoses with the superior rectal artery, which originates from the inferior mesenteric artery in the abdomen, and the inferior rectal artery, which originates from the internal pudendal artery in the perineum.
  • The obturator artery courses anteriorly along the pelvic wall and leaves the pelvic cavity via the obturator canal. Together with the obturator nerve, above, and obturator vein, below, it enters and supplies the adductor region of the thigh.
  • The internal pudendal artery courses inferiorly from its origin in the anterior trunk and leaves the pelvic cavity through the greater sciatic foramen inferior to the piriformis muscle. In association with the pudendal nerve on its medial side, the vessel passes laterally to the ischial spine and then through the lesser sciatic foramen to enter the perineum. The internal pudendal artery is the main artery of the perineum. Among the structures it supplies are the erectile tissues of the clitoris and the penis.
  • The inferior gluteal artery is a large terminal branch of the anterior trunk of the internal iliac artery. It passes between the anterior rami Sl and S2 or S2 and S3 of the sacral plexus and leaves the pelvic cavity through the greater sciatic foramen inferior to the piriformis muscle. It enters and contributes to the  blood supply of the gluteal region and anastomoses with a network of vessels around the hip joint.

Iliac artery aneurysm

An aneurysm is an abnormal widening or ballooning of a part of an artery due to weakness in the wall of the blood vessel 1.

Arteries have thick walls to withstand normal blood pressure. However, certain medical problems, genetic conditions, and trauma can damage or injure artery walls. The force of blood pushing against the weakened or injured walls can cause an aneurysm.

Most aneurysms occur in the aorta, the main artery that carries oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the body 2. The aorta goes through the chest and abdomen.

An aneurysm that occurs in the chest portion of the aorta is called a thoracic aortic aneurysm. An aneurysm that occurs in the abdominal portion of the aorta is called an abdominal aortic aneurysm. About 13,000 Americans die each year from aortic aneurysms. Most of the deaths result from rupture or dissection.

Aneurysms also can occur in other arteries (e.g. iliac artery aneurysm), but these types of aneurysm are rare.

Isolated iliac artery aneurysms are rare clinical conditions 3. Internal iliac artery aneurysms make up less than 0.5% of all intra-abdominal aneurysms 4. Because of their rarity and their depth in the pelvis they are difficult to diagnose and tend to present late with symptoms from compression (urological and neurological symptoms, constipation, leg oedema, iliofemoral thrombosis, expansion, fistulation and rupture 5, 6.

Common iliac artery aneurysm often occurs in conjunction with an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), which extends into one or both of the common iliac arteries in 20% to 30% of patients 7. Unilateral aortoiliac aneurysms are present in 43%, and bilateral common iliac artery aneurysms in 11% of patients with intact abdominal aortic aneurysm  8.

Because iliac artery aneurysms are difficult to detect and treat and consequently have been associated with a high rate of mortality 9. The natural history of these aneurysms is of expansion and eventual rupture. Rupture is associated with a 58% mortality 10. Rupture of iliac artery aneurysms is reported to carry a 50% to 70% mortality rate and because the incidence of rupture is as high as 50%, it is imperative that diagnosis be early and intervention prompt 11. The recommended therapy for this condition is still surgical excision 12, although newer treatments such as intravascular stenting are being performed. Early intervention with the proper surgical technique can reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with this condition.

Surgical treatment poses a formidable technical challenge 6, 10 with a mortality of 10% even in cases treated electively 5. Percutaneous coil embolization to thrombose the sac may obviate the need for an open procedure, but only a few case reports are available 6. If there is no proximal neck, stent grafts can be used to occlude the aneurysm origin 4. Development of venous thrombosis after embolization of an internal iliac artery aneurysm has been reported previously—the result of continued pressure from the embolized aneurysm 5. In a separate reported case, a patient was treated by venous thrombectomy, venous stenting and arterial coil embolization 13.

Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent rupture and dissection. However, aneurysms can develop and grow large before causing any symptoms. Thus, people who are at high risk for aneurysms can benefit from early, routine screening.

An aneurysm can grow large and rupture (burst) or dissect. A rupture causes dangerous bleeding inside the body. A dissection is a split in one or more layers of the artery wall. The split causes bleeding into and along the layers of the artery wall.

Both rupture and dissection often are fatal.

When to Contact a Medical Professional

Call your provider if you develop a lump on your body, whether or not it is painful and throbbing.

With an aortic aneurysm, go to the emergency room or call your local emergency number if you have pain in your belly or back that is very bad or does not go away.

With a brain aneurysm, go to the emergency room or call the local emergency number if you have a sudden or severe headache, especially if you also have nausea, vomiting, seizures, or any other nervous system symptom.

Prevention of an aneursym

The best way to prevent an aneurysm is to avoid the factors that put you at higher risk for one. You can’t control all aneurysm risk factors, but lifestyle changes can help you lower some risks.

Controlling high blood pressure may help prevent some aneurysms. Follow a healthy diet, get regular exercise, and keep your cholesterol at a healthy level to also help prevent aneurysms or their complications.

DO NOT smoke. If you do smoke, quitting will lower your risk of an aneurysm.

Screening for Aneurysms

Although you may not be able to prevent an aneurysm, early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent rupture and dissection.

Aneurysms can develop and grow large before causing any signs or symptoms. Thus, people who are at high risk for aneurysms may benefit from early, routine screening.

Your doctor may recommend routine screening if you’re:

  • A man between the ages of 65 and 75 who has ever smoked
  • A man or woman between the ages of 65 and 75 who has a family history of aneurysms

If you’re at risk, but not in one of these high-risk groups, ask your doctor whether screening will benefit you.

Types of Aneurysms

Aortic Aneurysms

The two types of aortic aneurysm are abdominal aortic aneurysm and thoracic aortic aneurysm. Some people have both types.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

An aneurysm that occurs in the abdominal portion of the aorta is called an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). Most aortic aneurysms are abdominal aortic aneurysms.

These aneurysms are found more often now than in the past because of computed tomography scans, or CT scans, done for other medical problems.

Small abdominal aortic aneurysms rarely rupture. However, abdominal aortic aneurysms can grow very large without causing symptoms. Routine checkups and treatment for an abdominal aortic aneurysm can help prevent growth and rupture.

Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms

An aneurysm that occurs in the chest portion of the aorta (above the diaphragm, a muscle that helps you breathe) is called a thoracic aortic aneurysm.

Thoracic aortic aneurysms don’t always cause symptoms, even when they’re large. Only half of all people who have thoracic aortic aneurysms notice any symptoms. Thoracic aortic aneurysms are found more often now than in the past because of chest CT scans done for other medical problems.

With a common type of thoracic aortic aneurysm, the walls of the aorta weaken and a section close to the heart enlarges. As a result, the valve between the heart and the aorta can’t close properly. This allows blood to leak back into the heart.

A less common type of thoracic aortic aneurysm can develop in the upper back, away from the heart. A thoracic aortic aneurysm in this location may result from an injury to the chest, such as from a car crash.

Figure 3. Aortic aneurysm

aortic aneurysm

Other Types of Aneurysms

Brain Aneurysms

Aneurysms in the arteries of the brain are called cerebral aneurysms or brain aneurysms. Brain aneurysms also are called berry aneurysms because they’re often the size of a small berry.

Most brain aneurysms cause no symptoms until they become large, begin to leak blood, or rupture (burst). A ruptured brain aneurysm can cause a stroke.

Figure 4. Brain aneurysm

brain aneursym

Peripheral Aneurysms

Aneurysms that occur in arteries other than the aorta and the brain arteries are called peripheral aneurysms. Common locations for peripheral aneurysms include the popliteal, femoral and carotid arteries.

The popliteal arteries run down the back of the thighs, behind the knees. The femoral arteries are the main arteries in the groin. The carotid arteries are the two main arteries on each side of your neck.

Peripheral aneurysms aren’t as likely to rupture or dissect as aortic aneurysms. However, blood clots can form in peripheral aneurysms. If a blood clot breaks away from the aneurysm, it can block blood flow through the artery.

If a peripheral aneurysm is large, it can press on a nearby nerve or vein and cause pain, numbness, or swelling.

Causes of an aneurysm

The force of blood pushing against the walls of an artery combined with damage or injury to the artery’s walls can cause an aneurysm.

It is not clear exactly what causes aneurysms. Some aneurysms are present at birth (congenital). Defects in some parts of the artery wall may be a cause.

Common locations for aneurysms include:

  • Major artery from the heart (the aorta)
  • Brain (cerebral aneurysm)
  • Behind the knee in the leg (popliteal artery aneurysm)
  • Intestine (mesenteric artery aneurysm)
  • Artery in the spleen (splenic artery aneurysm)

High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and cigarette smoking may raise your risk for certain types of aneurysms 2. High blood pressure is thought to play a role in abdominal aortic aneurysms. Atherosclerotic disease (cholesterol buildup in arteries) may also lead to the formation of some aneurysms 2.

Pregnancy is often linked to the formation and rupture of splenic artery aneurysms.

A family history of aneurysms also may play a role in causing aortic aneurysms.

In addition to the factors above, certain genetic conditions may cause thoracic aortic aneurysms. Examples of these conditions include Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (the vascular type), and Turner syndrome.

These genetic conditions can weaken the body’s connective tissues and damage the aorta. People who have these conditions tend to develop aneurysms at a younger age than other people. They’re also at higher risk for rupture and dissection.

Trauma, such as a car accident, also can damage the walls of the aorta and lead to thoracic aortic aneurysms.

Researchers continue to look for other causes of aortic aneurysms. For example, they’re looking for genetic mutations (changes in the genes) that may contribute to or cause aneurysms.

Who Is at Risk for an Aneurysm ?

Certain factors put you at higher risk for an aortic aneurysm. These factors include:

  • Male gender. Men are more likely than women to have aortic aneurysms.
  • Age. The risk for abdominal aortic aneurysms increases as you get older. These aneurysms are more likely to occur in people who are aged 65 or older.
  • Smoking. Smoking can damage and weaken the walls of the aorta.
  • A family history of aortic aneurysms. People who have family histories of aortic aneurysms are at higher risk for the condition, and they may have aneurysms before the age of 65.
  • A history of aneurysms in the arteries of the legs.
  • Certain diseases and conditions that weaken the walls of the aorta. Examples include high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.

Having a bicuspid aortic valve can raise the risk of having a thoracic aortic aneurysm. A bicuspid aortic valve has two leaflets instead of the typical three.

Car accidents or trauma also can injure the arteries and increase the risk for aneurysms.

If you have any of these risk factors, talk with your doctor about whether you need screening for aneurysms.

Symptoms and signs of an Aneurysm

The signs and symptoms of an aneurysm depend on the type and location of the aneurysm. Signs and symptoms also depend on whether the aneurysm has ruptured (burst) or is affecting other parts of the body. If the aneurysm occurs near the body’s surface, pain and swelling with a throbbing lump is often seen.

Aneurysms can develop and grow for years without causing any signs or symptoms. They often don’t cause signs or symptoms until they rupture, grow large enough to press on nearby body parts, or block blood flow.

Aneurysms in the body or brain often cause no symptoms. Aneurysms in the brain may expand without breaking open (rupturing). The expanded aneurysm may press on nerves and cause double vision, dizziness, or headaches. Some aneurysms may cause ringing in the ears.

If an aneurysm ruptures, pain, low blood pressure, a rapid heart rate, and lightheadedness may occur. When a brain aneurysm ruptures, there is a sudden severe headache that some people say is the “worst headache of my life.” The risk of death after a rupture is high.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

Most abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) develop slowly over years. They often don’t cause signs or symptoms unless they rupture. If you have an abdominal aortic aneurysm, your doctor may feel a throbbing mass while checking your abdomen.

When symptoms are present, they can include:

  • A throbbing feeling in the abdomen
  • Deep pain in your back or the side of your abdomen
  • Steady, gnawing pain in your abdomen that lasts for hours or days

If an abdominal aortic aneurysm ruptures, symptoms may include sudden, severe pain in your lower abdomen and back; nausea (feeling sick to your stomach) and vomiting; constipation and problems with urination; clammy, sweaty skin; light-headedness; and a rapid heart rate when standing up.

Internal bleeding from a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm can send you into shock. Shock is a life-threatening condition in which blood pressure drops so low that the brain, kidneys, and other vital organs can’t get enough blood to work well. Shock can be fatal if it’s not treated right away.

Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms

A thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA) may not cause symptoms until it dissects or grows large. If you have symptoms, they may include:

  • Pain in your jaw, neck, back, or chest
  • Coughing and/or hoarseness
  • Shortness of breath and/or trouble breathing or swallowing

A dissection is a split in one or more layers of the artery wall. The split causes bleeding into and along the layers of the artery wall.

If a thoracic aortic aneurysm ruptures or dissects, you may feel sudden, severe, sharp or stabbing pain starting in your upper back and moving down into your abdomen. You may have pain in your chest and arms, and you can quickly go into shock.

If you have any symptoms of thoracic aortic aneurysm or aortic dissection, call your local emergency number. If left untreated, these conditions may lead to organ damage or death.

How Is an Aneurysm Diagnosed ?

If you have an aortic aneurysm but no symptoms, your doctor may find it by chance during a routine physical exam. More often, doctors find aneurysms during tests done for other reasons, such as chest or abdominal pain.

If you have an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), your doctor may feel a throbbing mass in your abdomen. A rapidly growing aneurysm about to rupture (burst) can be tender and very painful when pressed. If you’re overweight or obese, it may be hard for your doctor to feel even a large abdominal aortic aneurysm.

If you have an abdominal aortic aneurysm, your doctor may hear rushing blood flow instead of the normal whooshing sound when listening to your abdomen with a stethoscope.

Specialists Involved

Your primary care doctor may refer you to a cardiothoracic or vascular surgeon for diagnosis and treatment of an aortic aneurysm.

A cardiothoracic surgeon does surgery on the heart, lungs, and other organs and structures in the chest, including the aorta. A vascular surgeon does surgery on the aorta and other blood vessels, except those of the heart and brain.

Diagnostic Tests and Procedures

To diagnose and study an aneurysm, your doctor may recommend one or more of the following tests.

  • Ultrasound and Echocardiography

Ultrasound and echocardiography (echo) are simple, painless tests that use sound waves to create pictures of the structures inside your body. These tests can show the size of an aortic aneurysm, if one is found.

  • Computed Tomography Scan

A computed tomography scan, or CT scan, is a painless test that uses x rays to take clear, detailed pictures of your organs.

During the test, your doctor will inject dye into a vein in your arm. The dye makes your arteries, including your aorta, visible on the CT scan pictures.

Your doctor may recommend this test if he or she thinks you have an abdominal aortic aneurysm or a thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA). A CT scan can show the size and shape of an aneurysm. This test provides more detailed pictures than an ultrasound or echo.

Figure 5. CT scan image shows significant aneurismal dilatation of abdominal aorta and both common iliac arteries.

common iliac arteries aneurysm

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses magnets and radio waves to create pictures of the organs and structures in your body. This test works well for detecting aneurysms and pinpointing their size and exact location.

  • Angiography

Angiography is a test that uses dye and special x rays to show the insides of your arteries. This test shows the amount of damage and blockage in blood vessels.

Aortic angiography shows the inside of your aorta. The test may show the location and size of an aortic aneurysm.


How Is an Aneurysm Treated ?

Aortic aneurysms are treated with medicines and surgery. Small aneurysms that are found early and aren’t causing symptoms may not need treatment. Other aneurysms need to be treated.

The goals of treatment may include:

  • Preventing the aneurysm from growing
  • Preventing or reversing damage to other body structures
  • Preventing or treating a rupture or dissection
  • Allowing you to continue doing your normal daily activities

Treatment for an aortic aneurysm is based on its size. Your doctor may recommend routine testing to make sure an aneurysm isn’t getting bigger. This method usually is used for aneurysms that are smaller than 5 centimeters (about 2 inches) across.

How often you need testing (for example, every few months or every year) is based on the size of the aneurysm and how fast it’s growing. The larger it is and the faster it’s growing, the more often you may need to be checked.


If you have an aortic aneurysm, your doctor may prescribe medicines before surgery or instead of surgery. Medicines are used to lower blood pressure, relax blood vessels, and lower the risk that the aneurysm will rupture (burst). Beta blockers and calcium channel blockers are the medicines most commonly used.


Your doctor may recommend surgery if your aneurysm is growing quickly or is at risk of rupture or dissection.

The two main types of surgery to repair aortic aneurysms are open abdominal or open chest repair and endovascular repair.

Open Abdominal or Open Chest Repair

The standard and most common type of surgery for aortic aneurysms is open abdominal or open chest repair. This surgery involves a major incision (cut) in the abdomen or chest.

General anesthesia is used during this procedure. The term “anesthesia” refers to a loss of feeling and awareness. General anesthesia temporarily puts you to sleep.

During the surgery, the aneurysm is removed. Then, the section of aorta is replaced with a graft made of material such as Dacron® or Teflon.® The surgery takes 3 to 6 hours; you’ll remain in the hospital for 5 to 8 days.

If needed, repair of the aortic heart valve also may be done during open abdominal or open chest surgery.

It often takes a month to recover from open abdominal or open chest surgery and return to full activity. Most patients make a full recovery.

Endovascular Repair

In endovascular repair, the aneurysm isn’t removed. Instead, a graft is inserted into the aorta to strengthen it. Surgeons do this type of surgery using catheters (tubes) inserted into the arteries; it doesn’t require surgically opening the chest or abdomen. General anesthesia is used during this procedure.

The surgeon first inserts a catheter into an artery in the groin (upper thigh) and threads it to the aneurysm. Then, using an x ray to see the artery, the surgeon threads the graft (also called a stent graft) into the aorta to the aneurysm.

The graft is then expanded inside the aorta and fastened in place to form a stable channel for blood flow. The graft reinforces the weakened section of the aorta. This helps prevent the aneurysm from rupturing.

The recovery time for endovascular repair is less than the recovery time for open abdominal or open chest repair. However, doctors can’t repair all aortic aneurysms with endovascular repair. The location or size of an aneurysm may prevent the use of a stent graft.

Figure 5. Endovascular Aneursym Repair


endovascular aneurysm repair

Note: The illustration shows the placement of a stent graft in an aortic aneurysm. In figure A, a catheter is inserted into an artery in the groin (upper thigh). The catheter is threaded to the abdominal aorta, and the stent graft is released from the catheter. In figure B, the stent graft allows blood to flow through the aneurysm.

  1. Aneurysm. Medline Plus, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
  2. Aneurysm. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health.
  3. Nagarajan M, Chandrasekar P, Krishnan E, Muralidharan S. Repair of Iliac Artery Aneurysms by Endoluminal Grafting: The Systematic Approach of One Institution. Texas Heart Institute Journal. 2000;27(3):250-252.
  4. Parry DJ, Kessel D, Scott DJ. Simplifying the internal iliac artery aneurysm. Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England. 2001;83(5):302-308.
  5. Su WT, Goldman KA, Riles TS, Rosen R. Deep venous thrombosis with pulmonary embolus after selective embolization of an internal iliac artery aneurysm. J Vasc Surg 1996;23: 152–5.
  6. Secil M, Sarisoy HT, Hazan E, Goktay AY. Iliac artery aneurysm presenting with lower extremity deep vein thrombosis. J Emerg Med 2003;24: 65–7.
  7. Malina M, Dirven M, Sonesson B, Resch T, Dias N, Ivancev K. Feasibility of a branched stent-graft in common iliac artery aneurysms. J Endovasc Ther. 2006;13:496–500.
  8. Hinchliffe RJ, Alric P, Rose D, Owen V, Davidson IR, Armon MP, et al. Comparison of morphologic features of intact and ruptured aneurysms of infrarenal abdominal aorta. J Vasc Surg. 2003;38:88–92.
  9. Natural history and management of iliac aneurysms. Richardson JW, Greenfield LJ. J Vasc Surg. 1988 Aug; 8(2):165-71.
  10. Hollis HW Jr, Luethke JM, Yakes WF, Beitler AL. Percutaneous embolization of an internal iliac artery aneurysm: technical considerations and literature review. Vasc Intervent Radiol 1994;5: 449–57.
  11. Brunkwall J, Hauksson H, Bengtsson H, Bergqvist D, Takolander R, Bergentz SE. Solitary aneurysms of the iliac arterial system: an estimate of their frequency of occurrence. J Vasc Surg 1989;10:381–4.
  12. Krajcer Z, Khoshnevis R, Leachman DR, Herman H. Endoluminal exclusion of an iliac artery aneurysm by Wallstent endoprosthesis and PTFE vascular graft. Texas Heart Institute Journal. 1997;24(1):11-14.
  13. Rosenthal D, Matsuura JH, Jerius H, Clark MD. Iliofemoral venous thrombosis caused by compression of an internal iliac artery aneurysm: a minimally invasive treatment. J Endovasc Surg 1998;5: 142–5.
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ArteriesCardiovascular System

Femoral artery

femoral triangle

Femoral artery

The femoral artery is the continuation of the external iliac artery and begins as the external iliac artery passes under the inguinal ligament to enter the femoral triangle on the anterior aspect of the upper thigh.

The femoral triangle (Figure 3). The base is formed superiorly by the inguinal ligament, medially by the lateral border of the adductor longus muscle, and laterally by the medial border of the sartorius muscle. The apex is formed by the crossing of the adductor longus by the sartorius muscle. The contents of the femoral triangle, from lateral to medial, are the femoral nerve and its branches, the femoral artery and several of its branches, the femoral vein and its proximal tributaries, and the deep inguinal lymph nodes.

The femoral artery is palpable in the femoral triangle just inferior to the inguinal ligament midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic symphysis. The femoral artery is easily accessible within the femoral triangle and is the site for insertion of catheters that may extend into the aorta and ultimately into the coronary vessels of the heart. Such catheters are utilized during cardiac catheterization, coronary angiography, and other procedures involving the heart. A cluster of four small branches – superficial epigastric artery, superficial circumflex iliac artery, superficial external pudendal artery, and deep external pudendal artery – originate from the femoral artery in the femoral triangle and supply cutaneous regions of the upper thigh, lower abdomen, and perineum.

The largest branch of the femoral artery in the thigh is the deep artery of the thigh (profunda femoris artery), which originates from the lateral side of the femoral artery in the femoral triangle and is the major source of blood supply to the thigh (Figure 1). The deep artery of the thigh immediately passes posteriorly between the pectineus and adductor longus muscles and then between the adductor longus and adductor brevis muscles, and then travels inferiorly between the adductor longus and adductor magnus , eventually penetrating through the adductor magnus to connect with branches of the popliteal artery behind the knee. The deep artery of the thigh has lateral and medial circumflex femoral branches and three perforating branches.

The femoral artery passes vertically through the femoral triangle and then continues down the thigh in the adductor canal. It leaves the canal by passing through the adductor hiatus in the adductor magnus muscle and becomes the popliteal artery behind the knee. Branches of this artery supply blood to the knee joint and to certain muscles in the thigh and calf. The popliteal artery diverges into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries. The anterior tibial artery passes downward between the tibia and fibula, giving off branches to the skin and muscles in the anterior and lateral regions of the leg. This vessel continues into the foot as the dorsalis pedis artery (dorsal pedis artery), which supplies blood to the foot. The posterior tibial artery, the larger of the two popliteal branches, descends beneath the calf muscles, giving off branches to the skin, muscles, and other tissues of the leg along the way to the foot.

Figure 1. Femoral artery

femoral artery

Figure 2. Femoral Artery and Deep Artery of the Thigh (and its perforating branches)

femoral artery and deep artery of the thigh


Figure 3. Femoral Triangle

femoral triangle


Femoral artery bypass

Peripheral artery bypass is surgery to reroute the blood supply around a blocked artery in one of your legs. Fatty deposits can build up inside the arteries and block them 1.

Peripheral arterial disease happens when there is a narrowing of the blood vessels outside of your heart 2. The cause of PAD is atherosclerosis. This happens when plaque builds up on the walls of the arteries that supply blood to the arms and legs. Plaque is a substance made up of fat and cholesterol. It causes the arteries to narrow or become blocked. This can reduce or stop blood flow, usually to the legs. If severe enough, blocked blood flow can cause tissue death and can sometimes lead to amputation of the foot or leg.

The main risk factor for peripheral arterial disease is smoking. Other risk factors include older age and diseases like diabetes, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

Many people who have peripheral arterial disease don’t have any symptoms. If you have symptoms, they may include:

  • Pain, numbness, achiness, or heaviness in the leg muscles. This happens when walking or climbing stairs.
  • Weak or absent pulses in the legs or feet
  • Sores or wounds on the toes, feet, or legs that heal slowly, poorly, or not at all
  • A pale or bluish color to the skin
  • A lower temperature in one leg than the other leg
  • Poor nail growth on the toes and decreased hair growth on the legs
  • Erectile dysfunction, especially among men who have diabetes

Peripheral arterial disease can increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, and transient ischemic attack.

Doctors diagnose peripheral arterial disease with a physical exam and heart and imaging tests. Treatments include lifestyle changes, medicines, and sometimes surgery. Lifestyle changes include dietary changes, exercise, and efforts to lower high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

Treatment of Peripheral arterial disease

Alternative Names:

  • Femoropopliteal bypass;
  • Femoral popliteal bypass;
  • Aorta-bifemoral bypass;
  • Axillo-bifemoral bypass;
  • Ilio-bifemoral bypass;
  • Femoral-femoral bypass.

A graft is used to replace or bypass the blocked part of the artery. The graft may be a plastic tube, or it may be a blood vessel (vein) taken from your body (most often the opposite leg) during the same surgery.

Peripheral artery bypass surgery can be done in one or more of the following blood vessels:

  • Aorta (the main artery that comes from your heart)
  • Artery in your hip
  • Artery in your thigh
  • Artery behind your knee
  • Artery in your lower leg
  • Artery in your armpit

During bypass surgery of any artery:

  • You will receive medicine (anesthesia) so that you do not feel pain. The kind of anesthesia you receive will depend on what artery is being treated.
  • Your surgeon will make a cut over the part of the artery that is blocked.
  • After moving skin and tissue out of the way, the surgeon will place clamps at each end of the blocked section of artery. The graft is then sewn in place.
  • The surgeon will make sure you have good blood flow in your extremity. Then your cut will be closed. You may have an x-ray called an arteriogram to make sure that the graft is working.

If you are having bypass surgery to treat your aorta and iliac artery or your aorta and both femoral arteries (aortobifemoral):

You will probably have general anesthesia. This will make you unconscious and unable to feel pain. Or, you may have epidural or spinal anesthesia instead. The doctor will inject your spine with medicine to make you numb from your waist down.

Your surgeon will make a surgical cut in the middle of the abdomen to reach the aorta and iliac arteries.

If you are having bypass surgery to treat your lower leg (femoral popliteal):

  • You may have general anesthesia. You will be unconscious and unable to feel pain. You may instead have an epidural or spinal anesthesia. The doctor will inject your spine with medicine to make you numb from your waist down. Some people have local anesthesia and a medicine to relax them. Local anesthesia numbs just the area being worked on.
  • Your surgeon will make a cut in your leg between your groin and knee. It will be near the blockage in your artery.

Why the Procedure is Performed

Symptoms of a blocked peripheral artery are pain, achiness, or heaviness in your leg that starts or gets worse when you walk.

You may not need bypass surgery if these problems happen only when you walk and then go away when you rest. You may not need this surgery if you can still do most of your everyday activities. Your doctor can try medicines and other treatments first.

Reasons for having arterial bypass surgery of the leg are:

  • You have symptoms that keep you from doing your everyday tasks.
  • Your symptoms do not get better with other treatment.
  • You have skin ulcers (sores) or wounds on your leg that do not heal.
  • You have an infection or gangrene in your leg.
  • You have pain in your leg from your narrowed arteries, even when you are resting or at night.

Before having surgery, your doctor will do special tests to see the extent of the blockage.

Risks of Artery Bypass Surgery

Risks for any anesthesia and surgery are:

  • Allergic reactions to medicines
  • Breathing problems
  • Blood clots in the legs that may travel to the lungs
  • Breathing problems
  • Heart attack or stroke

Risks for this surgery are:

  • Bypass does not work
  • Damage to a nerve that causes pain or numbness in your leg
  • Damage to nearby organs in the body
  • Damage to the bowel during aortic surgery
  • Excess bleeding
  • Infection in the surgical cut
  • Injury to nearby nerves
  • Sexual problems caused by damage to a nerve during aortofemoral or aortoiliac bypass surgery
  • Surgical cut that opens up
  • Need for a second bypass surgery or a leg amputation
  • Heart attack
  • Death

Before the Procedure

You will have a physical exam and many medical tests.

  • Most people need to get their heart and lungs checked before they have peripheral artery bypass.
  • If you have diabetes, you will need to see your health care provider to have it checked.

Always tell your provider what medicines you are taking, even drugs, supplements, or herbs you bought without a prescription.

During the 2 weeks before your surgery:

  • You may be asked to stop taking drugs that make it harder for your blood to clot. These include aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), clopidogrel (Plavix), naprosyn (Aleve, Naproxen), and other similar drugs.
  • Ask your provider which drugs you should still take on the day of your surgery.
  • If you smoke, you need to stop. Ask your provider for help.
  • Always let your provider know about any cold, flu, fever, herpes breakout, or other illness you may have before your surgery.

DO NOT drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery, including water.

On the day of your surgery:

  • Take the medicines your provider told you to take with a small sip of water.
  • Your provider will tell you when to arrive at the hospital.

After the Procedure

Right after surgery, you will go to the recovery room, where nurses will watch you closely. After that you will go either to the intensive care unit (ICU) or a regular hospital room.

  • You may need to spend 1 or 2 days in bed if the surgery involves the large artery in your abdomen called the aorta.
  • Most people stay in the hospital for 4 to 7 days.
  • After femoral popliteal bypass, you will spend less time or no time in the ICU.

When your provider says it is ok, you will be allowed to get out of bed. You will slowly increase how far you can walk. When you are sitting in a chair, keep your legs raised on a stool or another chair.

Your pulses will be checked regularly after your surgery. The strength of your pulse will show how well your new bypass graft is working. While you are in the hospital, tell your provider right away if the leg that had surgery feels cool, looks pale or pink, feels numb, or if you have any other new symptoms.

You will receive pain medicine if you need it.

Outlook (Prognosis) of Artery Bypass Surgery

Bypass surgery improves blood flow in the arteries for most people. You may not have symptoms anymore, even when you walk. If you still have symptoms, you should be able to walk much farther before they start.

If you have blockages in many arteries, your symptoms may not improve as much. The prognosis is better if other medical conditions such as diabetes are well controlled. If you smoke, it is very important to quit.

  1. Peripheral artery bypass – leg. Medline Plus, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
  2. Peripheral artery bypass – leg. Medline Plus, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
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ArteriesCardiovascular System

Brachiocephalic artery

branches of the brachiocephalic artery

Brachiocephalic artery

The arch of the aorta is 4–5 cm (almost 2 in.) in length and is the continuation of the ascending aorta. Three major elastic arteries originate along the aortic arch (see Figure 2) and they are:

  • The Brachiocephalic trunk,
  • The Left Common Carotid artery, and
  • The Left Subclavian artery.

The first and largest branch from the arch of the aorta is the brachiocephalic trunk. It extends superiorly for a short distance, bending slightly to the right, and posterior to the right sternoclavicular joint, it divides to form the right subclavian artery and right common carotid artery.

There is only one brachiocephalic trunk; the left common carotid and left subclavian arteries arise separately from the aortic arch.

Figure 1. Brachiocephalic artery (brachiocephalic trunk)



Figure 2. Brachiocephalic artery (brachiocephalic trunk) coming off the Aortic arch

brachiocephalic artery

Figure 3. Brachiocephalic artery (brachiocephalic trunk) location

brachiocephalic artery location

Brachiocephalic artery function

The brachiocephalic artery (brachiocephalic trunk) divides to form:

  1. Right subclavian artery and
  2. Right common carotid artery.

The right subclavian artery supply the upper limbs, chest wall, shoulders, back, brain, and spinal cord with blood. Three major branches arise from the right subclavian artery before they leave the thoracic cavity: (1) a right thyrocervical trunk, which supplies blood to muscles, skin, tissues of neck; thyroid gland, shoulders, and upper back (right side); (2) an right internal thoracic artery, supplying the skin and muscles of chest and abdomen; mammary gland (right
side), pericardium; and (3) a right vertebral artery, which supplies blood to the spinal cord, cervical vertebrae (right side); fuses with left vertebral, forming basilar artery after entering cranium via foramen magnum.

The right common carotid artery originates from the brachiocephalic trunk immediately posterior to the right sternoclavicular joint and is entirely in the neck throughout its course. Both right and left common carotid arteries ascend through the neck, just lateral to the trachea and esophagus, within a fascial compartment (the carotid sheath). They give off no branches as they pass through the neck. Near the superior edge of the thyroid cartilage each common carotid artery divides into its two terminal branches-the external and internal carotid arteries. At the bifurcation, the common carotid artery and the beginning of the internal carotid artery are dilated. This dilation is the carotid sinus and contains receptors that monitor changes in blood pressure and are innervated by a branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve [cranial nerve IX]. Another accumulation of receptors in the area of the bifurcation is responsible for detecting changes in blood chemistry, primarily oxygen content. This is the carotid body and is innervated by branches from both the glossopharyngeal [IX] and vagus [X] nerves.


Figure 4. Brachiocephalic artery major branches and functions

branches of the brachiocephalic artery

Internal carotid arteries

After its origin, the internal carotid artery ascends toward the base of the skull. It gives off no branches in the neck and enters the cranial cavity through the carotid canal in the petrous part of the temporal bone. The internal carotid arteries supply the cerebral hemispheres, the eyes and the contents of the orbits, and the forehead.

External carotid arteries

The external carotid arteries begin giving off branches immediately after the bifurcation of the common carotid arteries as follows:

  • Superior thyroid artery: supplies the thyrohyoid muscle, internal structures of the larynx, sternocleidomastoid and cricothyroid muscles, thyroid gland
  • Ascending pharyngeal artery: supplies pharyngeal constrictors and stylopharyngeus muscle, palate, tonsil, pharyngotympanic tube, meninges in posterior cranial fossa
  • Lingual artery: Muscles of the tongue, palatine tonsil, soft palate, epiglottis, floor of mouth, sublingual gland
  • Facial artery: All structures in the face from the inferior border of the mandible anterior to the masseter muscle to the medial corner of the eye, the soft palate, palatine tonsil, pharyngotympanic tube, submandibular gland
  • Occipital artery: Sternocleidomastoid muscle, meninges in posterior cranial fossa, mastoid cells, deep muscles of the back, posterior scalp
  • Posterior auricular artery: Parotid gland and nearby muscles, external ear and scalp posterior to ear, middle and inner ear structures
  • Superficial temporal artery: Parotid gland and duct, masseter muscle, lateral face, anterior part of external ear, temporal is muscle, parietal and temporal fossae
  • Maxillary artery: External acoustic meatus, lateral and medial surface of tympanic membrane, temporomandibular joint, dura mater on lateral wall of skull and inner table of cranial bones, trigeminal ganglion and dura in vicinity, mylohyoid muscle, mandibular teeth, skin on chin , temporalis muscle, outer table of bones of skull in temporal fossa, structures in infratemporal fossa, maxillary sinus, upper teeth and gingivae, infra-orbital skin, palate, roof of pharynx, nasal cavity.

Figure 5. Carotid arteries

carotid artery system

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ArteriesCardiovascular System

Brachial artery

brachial artery blood pressure

What is brachial artery

The brachial artery is a branch of a prominent artery – the subclavian artery that changes its name along its course. After leaving the thoracic cavity and passing over the first rib, each subclavian artery becomes an axillary artery. The axillary arteries supply blood to the muscles of the pectoral region and axilla. The axillary artery crosses the axilla and enters the arm, where it gives rise to the humeral circumflex arteries 1. These vessels supply structures near the head of the humerus. Beyond this loop, the axillary artery becomes the brachial artery, which supplies blood to the upper limb (see Figure 3).

The brachial artery continues down the medial and anterior sides of the humerus and ends just distal to the elbow, supplying the anterior flexor muscles of the brachium along the way. The brachial artery is the most common site of blood pressure measurement, using an inflatable cuff that encircles the arm and compresses the artery. The deep brachial artery arises from the proximal end of the brachial and supplies the humerus and triceps brachii muscle (see Figure 3). About midway down the arm, it continues as the radial collateral artery 2.

Locating the brachial artery in the arm

The brachial artery is on the medial side of the arm in the cleft between the biceps brachii and triceps brachii muscles (Figure 4) . The median nerve courses with the brachial artery, whereas the ulnar nerve deviates posteriorly from the vessel in distal regions.

Figure 1. Origin of brachial artery

subclavian artery become brachial artery

Figure 2. Brachial artery

brachial artery

Figure 3. Brachial artery anatomy

brachial artery branches

Figure 4. Brachial artery location in the arm

brachial artery location in the arm


Brachial artery blood pressure

The heart is responsible for supplying the organs and tissues of the body with blood. To do this it pumps blood into the large vessels of the circulatory system with every beat. The blood that is pumped into these vessels puts pressure on the walls of the vessels. When the heart muscle contracts during each heartbeat, the pressure rises as well. When measuring blood pressure, there are two different values:

  • Systolic blood pressure is taken while the heart muscle is contracting and pumping oxygen-rich blood into the blood vessels.
  • Diastolic blood pressure is taken while the muscle is relaxing and refilling with blood.

In clinical use, the term blood pressure usually refers to the pressure in arteries generated by the left ventricle during systole and the pressure remaining in the arteries when the ventricle is in diastole. Blood pressure is usually measured in the brachial artery in the left arm. The device used to measure blood pressure is a
sphygmomanometer. It consists of a rubber cuff connected to a rubber bulb that is used to inflate the cuff and a meter that registers the pressure in the cuff. With the arm resting on a table so that it is about the same level as the heart, the cuff of the sphygmomanometer is wrapped around a bared arm. The cuff is inflated by squeezing the bulb until the brachial artery is compressed and blood flow stops, about 30 mmHg higher than the person’s usual systolic pressure. The technician places a stethoscope below the cuff on the brachial artery, and slowly deflates the cuff . When the cuff is deflated enough to allow the artery to open, a spurt of blood passes through, resulting in the first sound heard through the stethoscope. This sound corresponds to systolic blood pressure, the force of blood pressure on arterial walls just after ventricular contraction. As the cuff is deflated further, the sounds suddenly become too faint to be heard through the stethoscope. This level, called the diastolic blood pressure, represents the force exerted by the blood remaining in arteries during ventricular relaxation. At pressures below diastolic blood pressure, sounds disappear altogether. The various sounds that are heard while taking blood pressure are called Korotkoff sounds.

Digital blood pressure meters are often used on the wrist, but they can also be placed on the finger or upper arm and only have to be activated by pressing a button. They read the blood pressure automatically from variations in the volume of the blood present in the arteries.

When measuring on the wrist it is important to keep the hand level with the heart. Otherwise you can get skewed results. Digital meters can also sometimes be inaccurate and produce unreliable readings – especially in people with certain heart rhythm problems or arteries hardened due to arteriosclerosis.

Blood pressure is measured in units of “millimeters of mercury”; written mmHg for short. Blood pressure measurements are always given in pairs, with the upper (systolic blood pressure) value first, followed by the lower (diastolic blood pressure) value. So someone who has a reading of 132/88 mmHg (often spoken “132 over 88”) has a systolic blood pressure of 132 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure of 88 mmHg.

It is important to measure blood pressure more than once, because it fluctuates over the course of the day 3. Physical exertion, stress, pain or extreme heat or cold can affect blood pressure, for example. But if blood pressure changes due to any of these things, it is only temporarily high and will then fall back down to normal range quickly.

So, if blood pressure is measured just once and found to be high, it does not automatically mean that it is also permanently too high. A blood pressure reading taken at the doctor’s office can also be misleading: a visit to the doctor makes some people so nervous that their blood pressure rises.

All of this means that to get reliable results it is important to always take readings on different days and while the person is at rest. This means sitting back and relaxing on a chair and waiting about three minutes before taking a measurement so that the circulatory system comes to rest. The upper arm, which is commonly used to take the measurement, should lie on a table at about the same level as the heart while the reading is being done.

Which number is more important ?

Typically, more attention is given to systolic blood pressure (the top number) as a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease for people over 50 4. In most people, systolic blood pressure rises steadily with age due to the increasing stiffness of large arteries, long-term build-up of plaque and an increased incidence of cardiac and vascular disease.

However, elevated systolic or diastolic blood pressure alone may be used to make a diagnosis of high blood pressure. And, according to recent studies, the risk of death from ischemic heart disease and stroke doubles with every 20 mm Hg systolic or 10 mm Hg diastolic increase among people from age 40 to 89 4.

Figure 5. Blood pressure measurement over the brachial artery

blood pressure measurement

What is normal blood pressure, and when is blood pressure considered to be high ?

Blood pressure is always measured on several days and when you are at rest 3. If several of these measurements are too high, you are said to have high blood pressure, even if only one of the two – either the systolic or the diastolic value – is high 3. The medical term for high blood pressure is hypertension. Normal blood pressure in adults is below 140 mmHg for systolic and below 90 mmHg for diastolic.

Normal blood pressure: systolic under 140 mmHg and diastolic under 90 mmHg. However, the normal (optimal) blood pressure range is 120/80 mm Hg. People who exercise regularly and are in good physical condition may have even lower blood pressures. Thus, blood pressure slightly lower than 120/80 may be a sign of good health and fitness.

A person has hypertension if the systolic value is over 140 mmHg, the diastolic value is over 90 mmHg, or if both are too high. High blood pressure itself usually goes unnoticed. Only if it is extremely high can it result in symptoms like dizziness or trouble seeing.

If hypertension remains undetected for a long time and is not treated, the risk of cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks, strokes and heart and kidney failure increases. So if you or your doctor think you have high blood pressure it is important to have your blood pressure checked regularly. If the readings are repeatedly abnormal, there are several different ways of lowering your blood pressure and thereby decreasing the risk of complications.

Table 1. Healthy and unhealthy blood pressure ranges

Blood Pressure
mm Hg (upper #)
mm Hg (lower #)
Normalless than 120 andless than 80
High Blood Pressure
(Hypertension) Stage 1
140159 or9099
High Blood Pressure
(Hypertension) Stage 2
160 or higheror100 or higher
Hypertensive Crisis
(Emergency care needed)
Higher than 180
orHigher than 110

Note: A diagnosis of high blood pressure must be confirmed with a medical professional. A doctor should also evaluate any unusually low blood pressure readings. Additionally, lower targets may be appropriate for some populations such as African-Americans, the elderly, or patients with underlying issues such as diabetes mellitus or chronic kidney disease.

[Source: American Heart Association 5]

Prehypertension (early stage high blood pressure)

Prehypertension is when blood pressure is consistently ranging from 120-139/80-89 mm Hg. People with prehypertension are likely to develop high blood pressure unless steps are taken to control it.

Hypertension Stage 1

Hypertension Stage 1 is when blood pressure is consistently ranging from 140-159/90-99 mm Hg. At this stage of high blood pressure, doctors are likely to prescribe lifestyle changes and may consider adding blood pressure medication.

Hypertension Stage 2

Hypertension Stage 2 is when blood pressure is consistently ranging at levels greater than 160/100 mm Hg. At this stage of high blood pressure, doctors are likely to prescribe a combination of blood pressure medications along with lifestyle changes.

Hypertensive crisis

This is when high blood pressure requires emergency medical attention. If your blood pressure is higher than 180/110 mm Hg and you are NOT experiencing symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, back pain, numbness/weakness, changes in vision or difficulty speaking, wait about five minutes and take it again. If the reading is still at or above that level, you should CALL your local emergency number and get help immediately.

A hypertensive (high blood pressure) crisis is when blood pressure rises quickly and severely. There are two types of hypertensive crises — both require immediate medical attention 5.

  • Hypertensive Urgency

If you get a blood pressure reading of 180/110 or greater, wait about five minutes and try again. If the second reading is just as high, seek immediate medical help. Early evaluation of organ function is critical to determine an appropriate course of action. Your elevated reading may or may not be accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms 5:

  • Severe headache
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nosebleeds
  • Severe anxiety

Treatment of hypertensive urgency may involve adjusting or adding medications, but rarely requires hospitalization.

  • Hypertensive Emergency

Hypertensive emergencies generally occur at blood pressure levels exceeding 180 systolic OR 120 diastolic, but organ damage can occur at even lower levels in patients whose blood pressure had not been previously high.

The consequences of uncontrolled blood pressure in this range can be severe and include 5:

  • Stroke
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Memory loss
  • Heart attack
  • Damage to the eyes and kidneys
  • Loss of kidney function
  • Aortic dissection
  • Angina (unstable chest pain)
  • Pulmonary edema (fluid backup in the lungs)
  • Eclampsia

Brachial artery injury

Vascular injuries of the upper extremity represent approximately 30% to 50% of all peripheral vascular injuries. The majority of injuries are to the brachial artery, and 90% of injuries are due to penetrating trauma 6. The morbidity and mortality rates associated with brachial artery injuries depend on the cause of the injury itself, which vein or tendon is injured, and whether musculoskeletal and nerve injuries are also present. In recent years, the limb salvage rate has reached nearly 100% because of early transport of patients to the hospital, early diagnosis, increased surgical experience, and developments in the treatment of hypovolemic shock and the use of antibiotic therapy 7.

Patients with obvious clinical symptoms of brachial artery injuries as detected by physical examination and those in whom Doppler ultrasonography demonstrates a substantial difference in pressure between the right and left brachial arteries should undergo surgical repair without further angiographic examination. Doppler ultrasonography of the upper extremity has been shown to be as specific and sensitive as arteriography in detecting brachial artery injuries 8. Normally, the average brachial–brachial Doppler pressure index between the 2 upper extremities is approximately 0.95; it is rarely less than 0.85 9. If uncertainty remains regarding vascular injuries after physical examination and Doppler ultrasonography, angiography may be used to confirm the vascular injury.

Compartmental edema or contusion can impair venous drainage and arterial flow and can cause pressure injuries to the nerves 10.

Major venous injuries, fractures, and widespread tissue destruction may also influence the long-term function of the extremity 11. Whether primary and secondary nerve repair procedures are helpful is a point of controversy 12. The rate of functional disability ranges from 27% to 44% when injury to the upper extremity includes nerve injuries 13.

Table 2. Signs and Symptoms of Arterial Ischemia among Patients with Traumatic Brachial Artery Injury

brachial artery injury signs and symptoms

[Source 14] References
  1. Human Anatomy 9th Edition. Frederic H. Martini, Inc., Robert B. Tallitsch, and Judi Nath. Published by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings.
  2. Human Anatomy 5th Edition. Kenneth S. Saladin. Georgia College & State University McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121.
  3. What is blood pressure and how can I measure it ? National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
  4. American Heart Association. Understanding Blood Pressure Readings.
  5. Understanding Blood Pressure Readings. American Heart Association.
  6. Hunt CA, Kingsley JR. Vascular injuries of the upper extremity. South Med J 2000;93:466–8.
  7. Shanmugam V, Velu RB, Subramaniyan SR, Hussain SA, Sekar N. Management of upper limb arterial injury without angiography–Chennai experience. Injury 2004;35:61–4.
  8. Meissner M, Paun M, Johansen K. Duplex scanning for arterial trauma. Am J Surg 1991;161:552–5.
  9. Johnston KW. Upper extremity ischemia. In: Rutherford RB, editor. Vascular surgery. 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2000. p. 1111–39.
  10. Velmahos GC, Theodorou D, Demetriades D, Chan L, Berne TV, Asensio J, et al. Complications and nonclosure rates of fasciotomy for trauma and related risk factors. World J Surg 1997;21:247–53.
  11. Visser PA, Hermreck AS, Pierce GE, Thomas JH, Hardin CA. Prognosis of nerve injuries incurred during acute trauma to peripheral arteries. Am J Surg 1980;140:596–9.
  12. Rich NM, Spencer FC. Vascular trauma. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1978. p. 125–56
  13. Hardin WD Jr, O’Connell RC, Adinolfi MF, Kerstein MD. Traumatic arterial injuries of the upper extremity: determinants of disability. Am J Surg 1985;150:266–70.
  14. Ergunes K, Yilik L, Ozsoyler I, Kestelli M, Ozbek C, Gurbuz A. Traumatic Brachial Artery Injuries. Texas Heart Institute Journal. 2006;33(1):31-34.
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