Weight Loss & Lifestyle

Gastric sleeve

Gastric sleeve
Gastric sleeve surgery Gastric sleeve surgery, also called "vertical sleeve gastrectomy" (VSG) or "sleeve gastrectomy", is a newer type of weight loss surgery (bariatric surgery)
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Gastric bypass

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Gastric bypass surgery also called Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, is a type of weight-loss surgery (bariatric surgery) where surgical staples are used to
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Weight loss surgery

weight loss surgery
Weight loss surgery Weight-loss surgery is also known as bariatric surgery (“bariatric” means “related to treatment for heavy weight”) or metabolic surgery, is a type
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Sitting posture

best sitting posture
How to sit properly Low back pain is a major problem for office workers. Individuals adopting poor postures during prolonged sitting have a considerably increased
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What is a sauna The sauna (or Finnish bath) has dry air and a high temperature, unlike the Turkish bath ((Karjanoja M, Peltonen J, Peltonen
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Vacation weight gain

vacation weight gain
Average vacation weight gain Seventeen years ago (year 2000) an article published by Yanovski and colleagues ((A prospective study of holiday weight gain. Yanovski JA,
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Spot reduction

spot reduction
What is body fat spot reduction Overweight and obesity are increasingly common conditions in the United States. They are caused by the increase in the
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Health Jade