Gastric sleeve surgery Gastric sleeve surgery, also called "vertical sleeve gastrectomy" (VSG) or "sleeve gastrectomy", is a newer type of weight loss surgery (bariatric surgery)
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Gastric bypass surgery also called Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, is a type of weight-loss surgery (bariatric surgery) where surgical staples are used to
Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch also known as the duodenal switch is a type of surgery to cause weight loss.
Weight loss surgery Weight-loss surgery is also known as bariatric surgery (“bariatric” means “related to treatment for heavy weight”) or metabolic surgery, is a type
Shaving pubic hair Pubic hair grooming is a growing phenomenon and is associated with body image and sexual activity. Hair is a distinguishing feature of
Running for beginners weight loss Physical activity including running is an important part of your weight management program. Running can be a fun and flexible
How to sit properly Low back pain is a major problem for office workers. Individuals adopting poor postures during prolonged sitting have a considerably increased
Average vacation weight gain Seventeen years ago (year 2000) an article published by Yanovski and colleagues ((A prospective study of holiday weight gain. Yanovski JA,
Why does birth control make you gain weight Weight gain is often considered a side effect of using combination contraceptives (that is, an estrogen plus